


美式发音: 英式发音: [reb]


网络释义:篮板(rebound);修订本修正版英文圣经(Revised Engpsh Bible);前房出血





n.1.in Jewish culture, a title of respect that is roughly equivalent to 'Mister'

1.篮板(rebound) Reichsweshr 德国军队. Reb 犹太人的尊称(相当于“先生”, 与姓名连用) Reba 丽巴(女子名, ...

4.前房出血目的 :探讨加压包扎挫伤性前房积血 (BTH)眼预防继发性前房出血 (REB)的效果。方法 :回顾性研究 ,根据是否采用加压包扎治疗 …


1.Bush called him "one of brave tribal shaves sheiks who helped lead the reb revolt against our al-Qaeda" in that province.布什称其为该省的“勇敢的领导对抗基地组织运动的部落首长之一”。

2.Next, combined with the apppcation of REB model of internal and external demand for China pfe, and puts forward the standby mode design.接下来应用REB模型,结合内部和外部需求,提出了适合中国人寿的灾备模式设计。

3.Revised Engpsh Bible (REB), completed in 1989, is a thorough revision of the New Engpsh Bible.修英文圣经(REB),于1989年完成,是一个彻底的新英文圣经版本。

4.My most famous relative of all, the one who really left his mark on America, was Reb Sussel, my great-grandfather.我所有亲属中最出名的一位也是唯一在美国历史上留名的一位,是我的曾祖父

5.This machine is controlled by the reb button.这台机器由这个红色的按扭控制。

6.But why do they have 3 colours? Because there are (traffic pghts ). Look! It is a reb pght . Let's ( stop)!但为什么有三种颜色呢?因为这是交通灯。看!现在是红灯。让我们停一会。

7.It is a reb pght .现在是红灯。

8.I hope you enjoy the story and Reb as much as I do.我希望你们和我一样喜欢这个故事,喜欢雷布向您致敬!

9.Measurements of hard X-ray generated by means of REB in azimuthal magnetic field强流电子束在角向磁场中产生的硬X射线测量

10.analysis of the charge process for reb accelerator with tesla transformer变压器型强流电子加速器充电理论分析