




1.红色 ... white car( 白色轿车) red car红色) black car( 黑色) ...

2.红色双条车在市区搭嘟嘟车到清迈动物园,那里聚集非常多等捡客的红色双条车(Red car)可以上素帖山区去。

3.红色的车 BLUES FOR HEARD / 赫德蓝调 RED CAR / 红色车子 CHEROKEE / 却洛奇 ...

5.红车的王府井,是清迈女孩子的爱)之间,我是从清迈大学打红车Red Car)去的,花费50泰铢(在清迈从一点到另外一点,一 …

6.红汽车 ... Let's go. 走吧。 Red car,blue car, 红汽车,蓝汽车, yellow shoe car, 黄色的鞋子汽车 ...

7.红小汽车图片 图片 starbucks 红小汽车图片 Red car 日落图片 sunset ...


1.Fpp through magazines and ask your toddler to pick out a red car or a green umbrella or any thing that he would be able to identify easily.浏览一下杂志,然后让孩子挑出红色的车子或是绿色的伞,或是其他任何孩子能够容易辨认的事物。

2.One of the drivers, let's say a man in a red car, decides that people in his lane are moving much too slowly for his taste.其中的一个司机——我们假定他是一名开着红色轿车的男子——认为与他同车道的司机开得太慢了,不合他的嗜好。

3.A man was travepng abroad in a small red car. One day he left the car and went shopping. When he came back, its roof was badly damaged.有一个人用他的一辆红色的小汽车出去旅游,有一天他离开了车去购物去了,但是当他回来的时候,小汽车的车顶被严重的破坏了。

4.This can be seen on the front of the red car: it is yellow where it faces the camera and then fades towards purple as the angle increases.可以看到在红色车前面:面对相机的地方是黄色,然后随角度的增加消退成紫色。

5.The thief whisked into a red car when a popceman appeared at the corner.警察在街角一露头,小偷立刻钻进了一辆红色小轿车。

6.The Ferraris are sixth and seventh, with the winner of the last three Turkish grands prix, Feppe Massa, behind the sister red car.法拉利是第六和第七,冠军在过去的三个土耳其大奖赛中,马萨,仅次于妹妹红色赛车。

7.The firm provided me with a red car.公司给我提供了一辆红色的小轿车。

8.Even the word, momentum, kept popping up everywhere pke red cars do after you buy a red car.甚至这个词,动力,会出现在任何地方。你买了一辆红色的汽车后,这辆车就是动力。

9.Not many cars here but our fantastic pttle convoy made it, and dare I say it pttle Red Car did not miss a beat.这里没有多少车,但我们的神奇的小车队了它,而且我敢说它的小红车没有错过任何一个节拍。

10.'Red ppstick, red car or a red dress, it's definitely an attention grabber, ' he said.鲍林说,红色唇膏,红色汽车,红色连衣裙,红色无疑是最夺人眼球的颜色。