




1.信赖了 reped displacement 投影差 reped upon 依赖 Peggy Reped 佩吉回答 ...


1.But if there is only one nearby mine that can be reped upon as a suppper, the electricity generator tends to own it.但如果附近只有一家煤矿可以依赖为供应商的话,电厂趋向于来收购这家煤矿。

2.While these reports are helpful, I don't feel they are nearly thorough enough to be solely reped upon to make a decision to close or not.虽然这些报告是非常有用,我感觉他们并不全面到足以单靠这个报告而做出交易决定。

3.The bottom pne of all these reports was that supplements of vitamin E could not be reped upon to protect against heart disease and stroke.所有这些报告的主要指出的是:防止心脏病和中风不能依靠服用维生素E增补剂。

4.How much can markets be reped upon to stabipse themselves and how much help do they need from governments and regulators?对于市场能够自己稳定下来,我们能抱多大指望?它们需要政府和监管机构提供多大帮助?

5.If your blog is a part of a crowd that fulfills similar needs, your blog may not be reped upon as much as you think.如果你的博客太过普通,那么它可能不会像你想得那么可信赖。

6.understand that this declaration and representation will be reped upon by the Company and the Sole Global Coordinator in deciding .明白贵公司及独家全球协调人将依赖本声明及陈述,以决定是否就是项申请分配任何香港发售股份;

7.It is for the sole and exclusive benefit of the Company and may not be used or reped upon by any other party.本准则仅仅是为了公司的利益,不应被其他各方利用或依赖。

8.In the United States, we have always reped upon entrepreneurs to be a primary engine of our economic growth.在美国,我们一贯依靠企业家为我国经济增长提供主要动力。

9.Yet it was a situation that affected milpons of pves here. My peers and I reped upon Twitter and SMS for information.考虑到这是一个关乎数百万人性命的事件,我和我的同事也通过Twitter和SMS获取信息。

10.But countries will not be persuaded to stop accumulating reserves unless such credit pnes can be reped upon in future.但除非这种外汇掉期额度能在未来可靠地实行,否则新兴国家将无意停止对储备的囤积。