

reproductive organ

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1.生殖器官 Reproduction 生殖作用 Reproductive organ 生殖器官 Reproductive system 生殖系统 ...

2.生殖菩云禀 reproductive cell 生殖细胞 reproductive organ 生殖菩云禀 reproductive potential 生殖潜能 ...

3.繁殖器官茶树的花、 茶树的花、果、种子是繁殖器官(reproductive organ),主 种子是繁殖器官(reproductive organ), 繁殖器官 要担负 …


1.Stamen The male reproductive organ in flowering plants consisting of a fine stalk, the filament, bearing the pollen producing anther.开花植物的雄性繁殖器官,包括一根纤细的长柄——花丝和产生花粉的花粉囊结构。

2.Despite the recent biologic and cpnical advances, reproductive organ transplantation remains experimental and controversial.尽管最近的生物学和临床出现了进展,生殖器官移植仍旧处于试验阶段并存在争议。

3.A structure bearing or consisting of a reproductive organ or part, such AS a reproductive polyp or bud in a hydroid colony.生殖芽体有生殖器官或部分生殖器官的结构,如再生性珊瑚虫或螅状群的芽体

4.Allogeneic reproductive organ transplants are under investigation.同种异体生殖器官移植仍在研究中。

5.This kind of inhibitor especially causes the cervical cancer and the reproductive organ wart viral type to these is effective.这种抑制剂尤其对那些导致宫颈癌和生殖器疣的病毒类型有效。

6.Only revealed the mascupne reproductive organ Baidu manager not to delete my diary. Good?只是露了个男性生殖器。百度管理员别删我日志。好吗?。

7.As a sexual reproductive organ, ovules have received much attention by botanists.胚珠作为被子植物的有性生殖器官一直为植物学家所关注。

8.Ovary: In zoology, the female reproductive organ (see reproductive system) that produces eggs and sex hormones.卵巢:雌性动物的生殖器官,可以产生卵和性激素。

9.A hermaphroditic reproductive organ that produces both sperm and eggs, found in certain gastropods.卵精巢雌雄同体的再生器官,可以产精子和卵子,在腹足纲软体动物身上发现。

10.Reproductive organ formation, including panicles, stamens, and spikelets, was also gradually and severely impaired in G1 to G4 mutants.生殖器官,包括穗、雄蕊和小穗的形成在G1-G4中也渐次严重受到破坏。