




1.研发部 研发部: R & D Department Research and Development Department 研发部 International Department 国 …

2.研发部门 ... (技术支撑中心) Technical Support Center (产品研发部) Research and Development Department (机房) Plant Roo…

4.研究与开发部门 Seafood 海鲜 -R&D Department:research and development department 研究与开发部门 ▼II. 单字…

5.研发处Institute of Technology) 研发处(Research and Development Department) 陈乃华(Tina Chen) 研发组长(Section Chief) 08-864…

6.研究开发部 Planning Department 企划部 Research and Development Department 研究开发部 Overseas Operation Department 海外事 …

7.研究发展部 研究发展部 Research and Development Department 稽核审计部 Auditing Department ...

8.研究规划部 ... Financial Risk Department: 风险部 Research and Development Department研究规划部 公务员 Offi…


1.How much you spend in Research and Development Department ?贵公司投放多少资源在研究和发展部门?。

2.Of course, first of all let me introduce the production departement then introduce the research and development department.可以,首先让我介绍生产部门然后介绍研究开发部门。

3.Tom: Not at all. I am employed in the Research and Development Department of a company based in Detroit.一点也不。我受雇于底特律一家公司的研究与拓展部。

4.Li Jin is deputy director of the research and development department at Shanghai Environment and Energy Exchange.李瑾,上海能源环境交易所研发部副部长。

5.Our company possesses of mines, processing factory, research and development department and sales department.公司自身拥有矿山、加工厂、研发部门和销售部门。

6.Ms. Hon then paid Lin Kecheng, who worked in Hon Hai's research and development department, for digital images of the iPad 2's back cover.侯鹏娜随后找到鸿海集团研发部工作人员林克诚。通过贿赂后者,侯鹏娜从林克诚手中获得了iPad2后壳的数码图片。

7.Our Research and Development Department was praised for our research.我们研究开发部的研究工作受到了表扬。

8.for the aerospace, aviation, defense research and development department of the Units, such as ultra-high vacuum exhaust.为航天、航空、国防科研部门研制的超高真空排气台等。

9.Research and Development department is also very busy they're testing the new prototype.研究开发部也特别忙在测试新的样品。

10.At present, in the research and Development Department in our company, men have more than 70 people, women 10 people enough.目前,在我们公司的研发部门内,男性有70多人,女的不够10人。