

residual value

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n.1.the worth of something, e.g. for its raw materials, after it is no longer useful in or of itself

1.残值 Residual Risks 剩余风险 Residual value 残值 Residue File 剩余资源文件 ...

2.剩余价值 或T街展位照片,发送 #新•声 New Echo# 剩余价值Residual value) 玩 ore ...

3.残余价值 residual payment 余款;剩余付款 residual value 剩余价值;残余价值 residuary estate 剩余遗产 ...

4.剩馀价值 Residual properties 剩馀财产 Residual value 剩馀价值 Residual legacy 分馀遗赠 ...

5.余值 residual valley 残谷 residual value 余值 residual variance 剩余方差 ...

6.剩余值),而把不能稳定遗传的非加性效应和环境偏差合 并为剩余值Residual value),用R表示。

7.残存价值指引 残余文字 residual text 残余值 residual value 残余检查 residue check ...


1.In remanufacturing, additional value of the used shaft components can be fully extracted and residual value is dig out to the most extent.再制造能充分提取报废轴类零件中的附加值,最大限度地挖掘废旧轴中的剩余价值。

2.A fall in residual value also decreases the amount of money consumers get at trade-in or when they try to resell a used car.残值下降还会减少消费者在以旧换新或转售二手车时获得的价格。

3.In most cases, your labor has no long-term residual value, if you are working for money.在很多情况下,你的劳动没有长期的剩余价值,如果你为了工作来赚钱。

4.A method of depreciation which allocates the cost of an asset (minus any residual value) equally to each year of is useful pfe.是一种将资产的成本(减去任何残值)在资产的使用寿命内平均分配的折旧方法。

5.The reasonable amortization amount of intangible assets shall be its cost minus the expected residual value.第十八条无形资产的应摊销金额为其成本扣除预计残值后的金额。

6.The residual value of a business or property beyond any mortgage thereon and pabipty therein .财产价值一笔生意或某项财产除去抵押品和负债后的剩余价值。

7.There exist currently different opinions on the treatment of residual value for fixed assets in the economic analysis of investment project.目前在水运投资项目经济分析中对固定资产残值和余值的计算和处理存在不同意见。

8.The depletion that will occur over the pfe of the mine is the original cost minus the residual value, or $4.矿场存续期内的可供损耗值是初始成本减去残值,即4美元。

9.Even when an entity uses the cost model to measure items of PPE, it is required to use fair value in estimating the residual value.即使一个实体使用成本模式来衡量个人防护装备的项目,需要使用估计残值的公允价值。

10.Residual value matters because depreciation is the largest single cost of owning a car.剩余价值至关重要,是因为拥有一辆车的最大成本就是折价。