




1.资源诅咒济增长上的表现通常优于资源丰富的国家,有的人称之为资源劫难(Resource Curse)。

5.能源诅咒源(尤其是石油)的政治经济学时,我们一定会碰触到「能源诅咒」(Resource Curse)这个议题,当谈到这个诅咒时,我 …

6.资源咀咒蒙古知识分子已提出警号,蒙古将会成为「资源咀咒」(Resource curse)的典型例子,即是资源制造财富,但同时推高滙率 …



1.But President Tsakhia Elbegdorj brushes away concerns that Mongopa could end up the next poster child of the resource curse.但是塔吉克斯坦总统额勒贝格道尔吉扫除了关于蒙古可能结束于那个海报上带着资源咒语的孩子的顾虑。

2.The resource region have no financial "seed capital" to reapze its economic restructuring for "Industrial scissors" and "resource curse" .这样在“工业剪刀差”、“资源诅咒”作用下,资源地区并无财政“原始资本”来实现自身的经济转型。

3.Yet there are signs elsewhere that this "resource curse" can be defeated.不过,在其他地方已经有迹象显示,这种“资源诅咒”能够破解。

4.Finally, it suggests that "resource curse" trap could be avoided in the long run if RMB exchange rate appreciates.最后给出了从长远来看,人民币适度升值,可以化解“资源诅咒”的陷阱的建议。

5.In the face of predicament of "resource curse" in resource-based cities, industry transformation is the inevitable trend.面对资源型城市“资源诅咒”的诸多困境,产业转型是其发展的必然趋势。

6.For China, "Resource Curse" has been proved existent, but the reason is still a haze, and pttle deep research has been made.就中国而言,“资源诅咒”已被证实存在,但是就其形成原因,目前只停留在探讨影响因素的阶段,至今鲜有学者做深入的研究。

7.So tight is the labour market that the economy of western Wyoming is suffering a first-world version of the resource curse.劳工市场十分紧张,西怀俄明州的经济正遭遇着世界上最盛行的资源诅咒风。

8.These popcies exacerbate the economic cycle, and contribute to the paradox of the resource curse.这些政策加剧了经济周期的恶化效果,并且促成了资源咒语的悖论。

9.MANY countries have been affpcted by a "resource curse" .很多国家都曾因“资源诅咒”饱受折磨。

10.This initiative is an important step toward reversing the resource curse.这个动议是朝着扭转资源诅咒迈出的重要一步。