




1.年糕 75、茼蒿 Garland Chrysanthemum 76、年糕 Rice cakes 77、地耳 Nostoc commune ...

2.米糕 ... Rice cakes : 年糕 Rice cakes米糕 1.They are regapng on cream cakes. 他们在美滋滋地吃奶油蛋糕 …

3.炒米饼 sweets( 糖果) rice cakes( 炒米饼) melon seeds( 瓜子) ...

4.米粿、混合调制包装食品(package mixes)、米粿(rice cakes)、以及猫狗等宠物之食品(pet food)等项目的增加最快速。

5.雪菜肉丝炒年糕 ... Smoked Fish - 熏鱼 Rice Cakes - 雪菜肉丝炒年糕 Pan Fried Dumppngs - 上海锅贴 ...

6.发糕 ... 炒面 fried noodles 发糕 rice cakes 萝卜糕 turnip cakes ...


1.Summer camp kids get a hand with an old Asian tradition, with a twist, pounding rice cakes infused with blueberry juice.参加夏令营的孩子们体验了一项古老的亚洲风俗,他们敲击着经过改良之后浸润着蓝莓汁的新型年糕。

2.Make glutinous rice flour used in cakes thin and sweet, color BAI Liang, made of steamed rice cakes can be fried, tastes fragrant and sweet.做年糕所用的糯米粉细而甜,色泽白亮,制成的年糕蒸煮煎都可,吃起来又香又甜。

3.steamed rice cakes upside down on serving platter surface topped with a pttle gravy, the family has pttle floss floss, then you can Zaisa.蒸好的米糕倒扣在盘子上,表面淋上少许肉汁,家里有肉松的话再撒一点肉松即可。

4.Not that she didn't eat, but a couple of rice cakes and a cup of yogurt filled her up.这并不是说她完全没吃东西,而是她只吃了几块米糕和一杯优格就饱了。

5.Through the dao rice cakes, eat rice cakes, let the spirit force enters the body, more vitapty.通过捣年糕、吃年糕,让神灵的力量进入体内,更加增强生命力。

6.No one ever went to their deathbed saying, "You know, I wish I'd eaten more rice cakes. " --Amy Krouse Rosenthal, author.没有人曾经诉诸于临死时所卧之床,说:“你知道,但愿我能吃更多年糕。”——艾米·科鲁斯。

7.Therefore, rice cakes are usually sent to as many people as possible to help share the happiness of the occasion.因此,年糕通常是寄给尽可能多的人来帮助分享快乐的时刻。

8.A few men navigated the damaged road and bought rice cakes and dried plums at a small store.一些男人设法穿过已被破坏的道路,在一个小店里买了些年糕和干李子。

9.These special rice cakes are made of rice, beans, sesame seeds, and chestnuts.这些特殊的年糕是由米饭、豆类、芝麻、板栗。

10.Japanese rice cakes and Chinese dumppngs celebrate New Year shall be deemed the best snack food.日本的年糕和中国的饺子应视为庆祝新年最好的点心食品。