




1.里克斯 ... delusional: 妄想的 Rikers: 雷克斯岛监狱 assistant: 助手,助理 ...

4.关在莱克斯岛其中包括勒令关闭布鲁克林大桥上的观光灯,建议设在里克尔斯岛屿Rikers)上的监狱使用发电机,要求跨国商家将其办公 …


1.Mr Strauss-Kahn, who has no prior criminal record, spent several days in jail on Rikers Island following his arrest on 14 May.斯特劳斯并没有任何犯罪前科,自5月14日被捕后,他在赖克斯岛度过了好几天的监狱生活。

2.Mr. Strauss-Kahn was charged with seven counts in connection with the alleged assault and is being held without bail at Rikers Island jail.卡恩因涉嫌性侵犯而被控七项罪名,他目前关押在纽约里克斯岛(RikersIsland)监狱中,不准保释。

3.All prisoners arriving at Rikers Island are given a mental health assessment to determine whether they pose a suicide risk.所有的到达雷克斯岛的囚犯都要进行一项心理健康评估,以决定他们是否有自杀的风险。

4.Monday afternoon, Mr. Strauss-Kahn was moved to the prison on New York City's Rikers Island.周一下午,卡恩被转移到了位于纽约城市莱科岛的监狱中。

5.But Strauss-Kahn was checked into Rikers Island's West Facipty, the smallest of the 10 jails in the complex.但是卡恩被带到霍布斯西屋,10个监狱中最小的一个。

6.Strauss-Kahn, who is awaiting a trial on sexual assault charges, was released on bail from the Rikers Island jail Friday.斯特劳斯-卡恩现时正面临性侵指控的审判,他周五从雷克岛监狱保释出狱。