


美式发音: [ˈraɪp] 英式发音: ['raɪp]





adj.1.cloudy with stirred-up sediment2.annoyed or angered by something


3.瑞利好友,如今让-卢克主演少男老爸Baby Daddy正在拍摄第二季,马特前来客串,也给老友加油打气。据悉,马特剧中的角色对

8.里利里利Riley)1986年05月10日出生于苏格兰爱丁堡,是一名职业足球运动员,球场上司职前腰。编辑本段个人简介 1. 里利资 …


1.The legal action goes against the wishes of Alabama's Governor Bob Riley who has said he hopes to reach an out-of-court settlement.该法律程序违反了阿拉巴马州州长鲍勃•瑞利(BobRiley)的意愿。他希望能够达成庭外和解。

2.Riley did some heavy therapy on my private psychological issues, which was no doubt recorded and posted on YouTube by the bored baristas.Riley对我个人的心理问题进行了某种猛烈的疗法---毫无疑问肯定又被那些无聊之至的咖啡店服务员所给录下传到Youtube上了。

3.It's effective, but Ms. Riley Bowles said her studieshave found that it tends to leave a more negative impression on women.赖利·鲍尔斯女士说,虽然这么做有效果,但是她的研究发现,这样做往往会给女性留下负面影响。

4.Richard Riley, Head of Exhibitions, assisted by Emily Butler in the Visual Arts Department of the British Council in London.理查德赖利,英国文化协会伦敦视觉艺术部展览中心主任,及其助理艾米莉巴特尔。

5.Owens always remembered the white man who helped change his pfe. Charles Riley did not seem to care what color a person's skin was.欧文斯一直铭记这位帮助他改变生活的白人,查尔斯。瑞利并不在乎一个人的肤色,欧文斯同样也是如此。

6."We do think the Budget Control Act was a pretty substantive commitment, " said David Riley of Fitch Ratings in London.“我们确实认为,预算控制法(BudgetControlAct)是一个颇具实质意义的承诺,”惠誉常驻伦敦的戴维•赖利(DavidRiley)说。

7.His owner Maureen explains: "Riley always makes faces pke this, and that's the best part about him. "莱利的主人莫琳说道:“莱利总是做出这样的表情,这就是他最可爱的地方。”

8.Just a few meters from the door is Riley Hunter, who says he has no idea what he wants to buy, and the pne is moving fast.离门几米处站着莱利亨特,他说他不知道要买什么,而排队的人群越排越长。

9.Maybe with us doing our share, we might be able to slow down the visits from Fort Riley officers.或许我们彼此分享经历的话,我们两个更应该放慢访问FortRiley官员的速度。

10.When we found out about a Jane Doe who matched Riley's description, both Derek and I assumed it had been Cameron.当我们发现了一个JaneDoe的谁匹配莱利的描述,既德里克,我认为这已卡梅伦。