




1.风险率 ... ) freight loss 货物损失 ) risk rate 风险损失率 ) Marine Cargo Total Loss Only 货物全损险 ...

3.事故利率 ... 发票地址 invoice address 事故利率 Risk rate 客户编号 customer reference no. ...

4.风险系数算其他的指标,譬如胜算比(Odds Ratio)、风险系数(Risk Rate)等等以增加分析的内涵。

5.危险度比RR:相对危险度(relative risk),也叫危险度比risk rate),是暴露组的危险度与对照组的危险度之比。是反映暴露与结局关联 …


1.What can only cause Icelandic Koruna to be strong raises its risk rate of return, but this at present not in the least sign.惟一能够使冰岛克朗坚挺的是提高其风险回报率,而这目前毫无迹象。

2.The risk rate was significantly higher in women than in men, particularly in the younger women.这一风险在女性要显著高于男性,尤其是年轻女性。

3.And then risk assessment on preflood pmit water level is made; by introducing, the risk standard risk rate exceeding the index is analyzed.并对汛限水位进行了风险评估,主要分析了相应调洪最高库水位的超标风险率,建立风险评价标准。

4.Estimating Flood Hazard Risk Rate of Flood Control Region Under Flood Encountering Combination洪水遭遇组合下防洪区的洪灾风险率估算

5.A Stochastic Process Analysis for the Risk Rate of Noctiluca scientillans Red Tide in Dapeng Bay大鹏湾夜光藻赤潮发生风险率的随机过程分析

6.Influence of time-varying effect on flood control risk rate for dams时变效应对大坝防洪风险率的影响研究

7.Estimation of hydrological risk rate for dams大坝防洪安全风险率的计算方法