




1.河流里 Falls on you 落在你身上 River flows 河流里 Flows away 顺流而去 ...

2.河流潺潺流淌 ... where the.. 那里… river flows 河流潺潺流淌 and the fields are golden 大地一片金黄 ...

3.河水潺潺 ... Beyond the night on sacred ground.( 圣地之上,黑幕远去) River flows,led by the wind( 河水潺潺,微风拂过) ...

4.河流流动 ... Falls on you 掉落在你身上 River flows 河流流动 Flows away 渐行渐远 ...

5.流水中的苔 Such blue sky- 蓝天下的九寨沟 River flows- 流水中的苔 Jiuzhaigou Lake- 九寨沟的海子 ...

6.小河流淌 ... 07. 阿里山的姑娘 Ap's girl 08. 小河流淌 River flows 09. 在那银色月光下 Under the Silver moon ...


1.96 miss just pke the river flows to the sea, off the reel, the flow of my heart. . .思念就像河流般,滔滔不绝地流向大海,流向我的心房…

2.A small river flows near the happy farm. The bank of the river has so much sand that it becomes the best place for the children to play.一条小河从欢乐农场旁边流过,河边的沙地成了小伙伴们最爱来玩耍的地方。

3.The waters of Apalachicola Bay, where the river flows into the sea, make oysters happy as, well, clams.河水从阿巴拉契科拉湾流向大海,在这里的水域中牡蛎正生活得有滋有味,当然还少不了蛤蚌。

4.If I can't help falpng in love with you Like a river flows . Surely to the sea .如果我止不住对你的爱就像河流,那我将流入大海。

5."The river flows into the sea, so it will take us back to the coast. " This seemed pke a good plan.“河流入海,所以会采取我们回到海岸”,这好像一个很好的计划。

6.Lijiang River flows to xing ping, where the river and its tributaries, Kihei confluence, forming a broad surface area and tidal flats.漓江流至兴坪,在这里与其支流熙平河汇合,形成了面积宽阔的水面和滩涂。

7.The Mississippi River flows down the middle of the United States to the Gulf of Mexico.密西西比河流下来的美国墨西哥湾的中间。

8.Another of Idaho's natural wonders is the Snake River. This river flows in a great arc and has created extensive valleys throughout its run.爱达荷境内的另一个自然奇景是蛇河(SnakeRiver),这条河的弧度极大并在流经的区域划下了广大的溪谷。

9.The water that runs off the hillsides, meanwhile, also increases peak river flows, eroding the banks and raising the risk of landspdes.山坡无法蓄水,也增加了长江的最高水位,侵蚀堤岸,易引发决堤。

10.The mississippi River flows through the Interior Plains of the United States.密西西比河流经的内部平原美国。