




1.指的就是念珠珠串 ... 祈祷绳( prayer rope) 串珠rosary beads) 益智环( puzzle rings) ...

5.玫瑰念珠nari」这条街,过去都是制作有「念珠之冠」之称的玫瑰念珠rosary beads)的店,现在则满布许多典雅的骨董店。


1.Clear colourless amber was considered the best material for rosary beads in the Middle Ages on account of its smooth silky feel.无瑕疵且无色的琥珀是被视为是制成念珠的最佳材料,因为其光滑如丝般的。

2.It be-came the stuff of everything from cigar hold-ers and rosary beads to radio housings, distributor caps and telephone casings.其用途十分广泛,从雪茄烟烟炳和寺庙中僧人手中的念珠到收音机的外壳、配电盘盖和电话机的机壳。

3.Her Buddhist rosary beads were of amber, perhaps from the shores of the Baltic or northern Burma.她的佛珠挂链所用的琥珀,也许是波罗的海沿岸或缅甸北部出产的。

4.It became the stuff of everything from cigar holders and rosary beads to radio housings, dis-tributor caps and telephone casings.其用途十分广泛,从雪茄烟烟柄和寺庙中僧人手中的念珠到收音机的外壳、配电盘盖和电话机的机壳。

5.Brahma also holds a string of rosary beads that he uses to keep track of the Universe's time.梵天也手持着玫瑰水珠组成的绳子,他用这条绳来计算宇宙的时间。

6.The priest's two male parrots are holding rosary beads and praying in their cage.牧师的两只公鹦鹉正夹着念珠在笼子里作玫瑰经祷告。

7.His two male parrots are holding the rosary beads and praying in their cage.他的两只雄鹦鹉正在笼子里拿着念珠做祈祷。

8.Repgious jewellery such as rosary beads and bracelet makes for an interesting gift.念珠,手镯等宗教首饰也是有趣的礼物。