

Rosetta stone

美式发音: [rəʊ'zetə] 英式发音: [rəʊ'zetə]





1.有助于解释神秘事物(或未知领域)的事物;有启示作用的发现something, especially a discovery, that helps people to understand or find an explanation for a mystery or area of knowledge that not much was known about


n.1.a stone tablet found in 1799 near Rashîd in Egypt that contained the same text repeated in Egyptian hieroglyphics, Egyptian demotic script, and Greek.

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3.罗塞达石碑罗塞达石碑Rosetta Stone)一词原指一块致使人类破解了古埃及文语言的特殊石头。1799年拿破仑远征埃及时,他手下的一 …

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1.Letters that are obvious to us become, to other eyes, a cipher as mysterious as the Rosetta Stone.对我们来说清楚易懂的信件,在他人看来犹如罗塞塔石碑上的天书。

2.Andy Xie, an economist with Rosetta Stone Advisors in Shanghai, says shadow financing propels China's small and medium enterprises.上海玫瑰石顾问公司(RosettaStoneAdvisors)经济学家谢国忠(AndyXie)表示,影子融资推动了中国中小企业的发展。

3.Chasing after his dog, the boy tripped over a log and fell smack dab into what some call "the Rosetta stone of human evolution. "追逐着这条狗,男孩被一块木头绊倒摔倒跌进了所谓的“人类进化的罗塞塔石碑。”

4.Mr Fu wants to expand his business with the lofty ambition of competing with the industry leader, Rosetta Stone.付先生野心勃勃,希望扩大他的事业与业界领袖RosettaStone一较高下。

5.the Rosetta stone, that providential archaeological find.罗塞塔石板,是一项幸运的考古发现

6.Demotic script on a reppca of the rosetta stone on display in Magdeburg.在马格德堡展出的罗塞塔石上通俗文字手稿的复制品。

7.But, after nearly eight years at Rosetta Stone, he is aware of the pmitations of the business school experience.但是,在罗赛塔石碑公司打拼了差不多8年后,他也意识到了商学院经历的局限性。

8.RosettaNet takes its name from the Rosetta stone, which a soldier in Napoleon's army discovered in Egypt in 1799.络世达网的名字来源于络世达石,该石头是拿破仑军队的一名士兵1799年在埃及发现的。

9.Rosetta Stone, a language software provider, has risen 57 per cent since its New York debut.语言软件提供商罗赛塔石碑(RosettaStone)在纽约上市以来,股价已上涨57%。

10.And this became my Holy Grail, my Rosetta Stone.这成了我的圣杯,我的罗塞塔石碑