




1.粗糙的手 go for a row 去划船 rough hands 粗糙的手 all round 周围;遍及四周 ...

2.粗糙的双手 ... 十分粗糙 quite rough 粗糙的双手 rough hands 粗糙不堪 extremely rough ...

3.粗手 root in / / 起源于;起因于 rough hands / / 粗鲁的工人 run into / / 遇到 ...

5.糙手导演阿斯里(Mohamed Asp)在他的影片“糙手”(Rough Hands)展现了一个年轻教师的命运。她为了逃离家乡的无望投奔身 …


1.he had no right to lay rough hands on her.他无权用那双粗手动她。

2.My happy childhood is in your rough hands, and my growing course is in your grey hair. I miss you, Mom, especially on this day.您长满老茧的双手有我快乐的童年,您斑白的双鬓有我成长的足迹。我想念您,妈妈,尤其是在这个特别的日子。

3.That rough hands, the land was plowed in Springfield yesterday also kiss one day in March.粗糙的那双手,是被犁过的土地,在昨天还被三月的春晖吻了一天。

4.He had a very tan face and rough hands. He reeked of alcohol.他的脸晒得很黑,手也很粗糙,浑身都是酒臭味。

5.It was so small and beautiful he was almost afraid to touch it with his rough hands.这本书是那么的小而漂亮,他几乎都不敢用自己粗糙的双手去碰它一下。

6.As the man had rough hands, I set him down for a farm worker.由于这人双手粗糙,我断定他为农业工人。

7.And Beth looked at her rough hands with a sigh that any one could hear that time.贝思望着自己粗糙的双手叹一口气,这回每个人都听到了。

8.in the rough hands, you may feel the warmth of pfe.在那粗糙的双手上,你可能感觉到生命的温馨。

9.The old farmer has two large rough hands.那位老农有着一双粗糙的大手。

10.Thought of my father's face was hoarse and rough hands, my heart will always have a sour feepng.想到了爸爸那苍老的脸和粗糙的手,我的心中总会有一种酸溜溜的感觉。