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n.1.露丝2.〈古〉同情,怜悯;悔恨3.【圣】大卫的女祖先4.【圣】《路得记》5.【女名】女子名6.【圣】《路得记》,《卢德纪》,《如特传》,圣经旧约中的一卷, The Book of Ruth1.露丝2.〈古〉同情,怜悯;悔恨3.【圣】大卫的女祖先4.【圣】《路得记》5.【女名】女子名6.【圣】《路得记》,《卢德纪》,《如特传》,圣经旧约中的一卷, The Book of Ruth

n.1.in the Bible, a Moabite widow who left her own people to pve with her mother-in-law Naomi, married Boaz, and was an ancestor of King David2.pity for another person's troubles3.a book of the Bible that tells the story of Ruth4.sorrow or remorse for having done something wrong1.in the Bible, a Moabite widow who left her own people to pve with her mother-in-law Naomi, married Boaz, and was an ancestor of King David2.pity for another person's troubles3.a book of the Bible that tells the story of Ruth4.sorrow or remorse for having done something wrong

1.露丝 Roxanne 洛克萨妮 Ruth 露丝 Sabrina 萨布丽娜 ...

2.路得记 士师记- Judges 路得记- Ruth 撒母耳记上-1 Samuel ...

3.鲁思 Russell 拉塞尔; 罗素 Ruth 鲁思 Rutherford 拉瑟福德; 卢瑟福 ...

4.同情 Ruby 法国 红宝石 Ruth 希伯来 友谊;同情 Sabina 拉丁 出身高贵的人 ...

5.露丝……友谊 Prima 普莉玛……长女 Ruth 露丝……友谊 同情 Sylvia 西维亚……森林少女 ...

6.鲁丝美丽的鲁丝(Ruth)因其观念比较“落后”,致使她无法理解哈利。她原以为和哈利结婚就可以达到这个目的,然而她的请求吓跑了 …

7.鲁斯在提到妻子鲁斯(Ruth)和去年自杀的儿子马克(Mark)时,马多夫流下眼泪。“我说的一切都不应当作我的行为的借口。我对自己 …


1.Ruth and Orpah were very sad to hear that Naomi wanted to go back to Israel, but they did not try to stop her.听到内奥米要回以色列,鲁思和俄珥巴非常难过,但她们没有阻止她。

2.'It's too far to go by yourself, 'Orpah said kindly. 'Ruth and I have been talking. We've decided to come with you. '“这太远了,你不能自己去。”俄珥巴好心地说,“鲁思和我已经谈过了。我们决定同你一起去。”

3.Still in fine fettle at the age of 87, Ruth Young, a retired Oakland school nurse, jumped at the chance, she said, to "spit for the cause. "鲁思·杨(RuthYoung)是奥克兰一名退休的学校护士,今年87岁了,依然精神矍铄。她欣然同意,为一项基因研究计划提供唾液样本。

4.Boaz was pleased that Ruth had come to him for help, and sent her home with a gift of barley for Naomi.波阿斯很高兴鲁思来向他寻求帮助,并让她带着麦子回家做为给内奥米的礼物。

5.Already he had discovered that his brain went beyond Ruth's, just as it went beyond the brains of her brothers, or the brain of her father.他已经发现他的脑子比露丝想得更多,正如比她的弟弟和爸爸想得更多一样。

6.And Ruth the Moabitess said, He said unto me also, Thou shalt keep fast by my young men, until they have ended all my harvest.摩押女子路得说,他对我说,你要紧随我的仆人拾取麦穗,直等他们收完了我的庄稼。

7.When the owner heard the story of Johnny Sylvester, he said he would personally ask Babe Ruth if he would visit the boy in the hospital.听了乔尼的故事,他说会亲自问问贝布•路斯愿不愿意去看看医院里的这个孩子。

8.I had left this woman in bitterness and hate, and I came back to her now with no other emotion than a sort of ruth for her great sufferings.我在痛苦和憎恨中离开这个女人,现在我回来时的心情,却只是同情她的极大病痛。

9.So Ruth and Boaz were married, and Boaz took Ruth and Naomi to pve with him on his farm. They were all very happy.于是鲁思和波阿斯结婚了。波阿斯带着鲁思和内奥米一起,住在他的农场里。他们都非常快乐。

10.Tell Ruth how much you love her and think about ways to help other people.告诉露丝你有多爱他,也想想如何帮助其他人。