


美式发音: 英式发音: 

英文单词:科学引文索引(Science Citation Index);脊髓损伤(spinal cord injury);串行通信接口(Serial Communications Interface)


abbr.1.single column inch

1.科学引文索引(Science Citation Index)


1.Foreign investors, in short, should not bother trying to reconcile the SCI with regional or global peers. It remains a law unto itself.总之,外国投资者不应费神去研究上证综指和其它地区或全球指数的一致性问题,因为它仍是一个自行其是的市场。

2.One of the most well-known when the number of mobile suits, the long-lasting sci-fi image, known as Japan's national essence.其中最知名的当数机动战士,这一长久不衰的科幻形象,被誉为日本国粹。

3.Never Let Me Go might technically be sci-fi, as it seems to be set in the future, but really there's not much sci-fi about it.《别让我走》可能在技巧上有些科幻,因为故事场景设定在未来,但实际上整个故事并没有科幻色彩。

4.Put a bit of sci-fi in your writing or(else)the teenagers won't be interested in it.在你的作品中加一点科幻,不然青少年就不会感兴趣。

5.In this Sci-Fi epic, Tom Cruise is trying to solve the case of a murder he's destined to commit.在这部科幻史诗里,汤姆克鲁斯要阻止他命中注定要犯的一宗杀人案的发生。

6.Do you think we'll continue to see more cerebral types of sci-fi movies coming out of Hollywood?你觉得我们会看到好莱坞出品更多的大脑科幻类的电影吗?

7.A primitive version of that concept had been floating around the sci-fi world since the advent of Star Trek in the sixties.那个概念的原始版本自从60年代的星际迷航出现就一直在科幻世界里流行漂浮着。

8.Richard: That would be easy if you were playing a real character, but impossible if you were in a sci-fi flick.理查德:如果你饰演的是一个真人,那容易,但是如果你演的是科幻片,那就不可能了。

9.Equally, the material is strong enough to be used for sci-fi-style pedestrian bridges within the building.同样,这种材料也足够坚固,可以建造大楼内颇具科幻风格的行人天桥。

10.ESO Like something out of a sci-fi movie, a laser seems to trigger lightning in this European Southern Observatory photo taken in Chile.欧洲南方天文台:像科幻电影里的某些场景,激光似乎触发了欧洲南方天文台拍摄在智利所拍摄到的闪电。