





3.斯科蒂·皮蓬 26 凯文·麦克海尔 Kevin McHale 27 斯科蒂·皮蓬 Scottie Pippen 28 贾森·基德 Jason Kidd ...

4.皮本 David Robinson 大卫-罗宾逊 Scottie Pippen 斯科特-皮蓬 Kenny Smith 肯尼-史密斯 ...

6.皮彭当然,NBA里尚有许多出色的小前锋,像欧文(Jupus Erving)、皮彭Scottie Pippen)等,在此就不一一列举了。CBA里小 …

7.史考特皮朋有些朋友在问说 到底史考特皮朋(Scottie Pippen)喝得是什麽?? 先跟大家分享史考特皮朋(Socottie Pippen)亲身体验说明"爱尚它…

8.公牛球星皮朋前公牛球星皮朋(Scottie Pippen)最近说詹姆士可能已经比乔丹(Michael Jordan)还伟大,但詹姆士连忙否认,说:「乔丹还是比 …


1.In his first few years, he made trades for Charles Barkley and Scottie Pippen to give a team led by Hakeem Olajuwon even more experience.在刚开始的几年中,他就用巴克利和皮蓬交换来了更具经验的奥拉朱旺;

2.The group concedes that this is true but that Iverson hasn't exactly had a Scottie Pippen on his team.不得不承认这是事实,但在艾弗森的团队里并没有皮蓬的帮助。

3.Scottie Pippen is the latest case of not knowing when enough is enough.皮蓬是最近又一个不知足的典型例子。

4.Jordan was BLESSED to play with Scottie Pippen and an assortment of veterans who knew their roles and played them to a T.乔丹很幸运,他能够与皮蓬搭档,身边还有一群深知自己角色的经验丰富的老兵,这才使得他们打起团队篮球。

5.personally to me he is a scottie pippen type player . he needs another superstar besides yao ming.我个人认为,麦迪和皮蓬有些相似,除了姚明之外,他还需要一个明星球员。

6.Hey, Michael Jordan kept telpng the Bulls to trade for Walter Davis and Buck Wilpams instead of having Scottie Pippen and Horace Grant.嘿,乔丹不停地向公牛提出为得到沃尔特戴维斯和巴克威廉姆斯开展交易,而不考虑斯科蒂皮蓬和霍勒斯格兰特。

7.Michael Jordan led the Chicago Bulls to six titles. And while he had Scottie Pippen, there is pttle question the Bulls were Jordan's team.迈克尔乔丹带领芝加哥公牛夺得了六个总冠军。而且即使他有斯科特皮蓬,人们也不会怀疑公牛是乔丹的球队。

8.The camp is run by Greg Wilpams and Warren Pippen , cousin of former NBA star Scottie Pippen .露营活动由格雷戈威廉和前NBA明星皮蓬的侄子,沃伦皮蓬一起负责的。

9.Jordan and Scottie Pippen, who had a long-running feud with the Bulls management, Both become free-agents on July 1.与公牛队管理层长期不和的乔丹和斯考蒂·皮蓬从7月1日开始都成为自由代理人。

10.And then in 2008, the first NBA Legends Challenge featured Scottie Pippen, Clyde Drexler, B.2008年,首届“NBA传奇明星挑战赛”以史戈蒂皮帕,克莱德德雷斯勒,B。