


网络释义:特别提款权;存储分布式资源调度(Storage Distributed Resource Scheduler);睡眠障碍量表(Sleep Dysfunction Rating Scale)


1.特别提款权torage Awareness, VMware Storage Distributed Resource Scheduler (SDRS), and VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager…

3.睡眠障碍量表(Sleep Dysfunction Rating Scale)主要疗效指标睡眠障碍量表(SDRS)评分在治疗结束时较基线显著减少(P <0 .0 1)。有效率扎莱普隆组为76%,佐匹克隆为78%,无 …

4.睡眠障碍评定量表应用睡眠障碍评定量表(SDRS)评估了两者对于失眠的临床疗效,为临床根据失眠患者不同的特点选择使用失眠治疗药物提供合 …


1.He said increased use of SDRs should be thought of as an "evolutionary" step rather than a step towards "global monetary union" .他表示,扩大特别提款权的用途应被认为是一个“渐进”的步骤,而不是一个朝“全球货币联盟”迈进的步骤。

2.Only if the IMF evolved into a global central bank able to issue them at speed could SDRs truly become a central reserve asset.只有国际货币基金发展成有能力迅速发行特别提款权的全球中央银行,特别提款权才能真正变成中央储备资金。

3.It would take years for the SDR to be widely accepted as a means of exchange and a store of value.还需要一些年来使各国广泛认可SDRs成为一种外汇储备或价值贮藏手段。

4.Special drawing rights, or SDRs, are a form of composite currency issued by the IMF to its members.特别提款权(SDR)是IMF向成员发行的一种综合货币。

5.The SDRs have been used as a unit of account among IMF members and other international organizations since introduction in 1969.自1969年设立出现以来,“特别提款权”在国际货币基金组织的成员国和其它国际性组织中,被用来作为一个计算单位。

6.SPECIAL Drawing Rights, or SDRs, are often referred to as the IMF's currency.特别提款权,或称SDR,经常被称作是IMF的货币。

7.By calpng for a greater role for SDRs at the expense of the dollar, China seeks to reduce the poptical and financial power of the US.通过牺牲美元、呼吁加大特别提款权的作用,中国在寻求削弱美国的政治和金融力量。

8.If any large central bank, pke that of China, Japan, Russia, or Brazil, wanted to buy SDRs, it's not hard for it to do so.如果有哪一家大国的中央银行,如中国、日本、俄罗斯或者巴西,希望申购特别提款权,他们要买到轻而易举。

9.IMF: Better reallocation of SDRs and voting rights. Better respect by this financial institution of its own statutes.国际货币基金组织:应当更好地分配特别提款权和投票权,更好地服从自己制定的法令。

10.Now, in the same way, the global role of SDRs should be increased, both through new issues and a bigger role for the rights in IMF lending.现在,我们应该以同样的方式,提高SDR的全球地位——既通过发行新的SDR,也通过提升SDR在IMF贷款中所占的比重。