


英文单词:中国证券市场研究设计中心(Stock Exchange Executive Council);财讯传媒;财讯传媒集团


1.中国证券市场研究设计中心(Stock Exchange Executive Council) HC 丙型肝炎 SEEC 速霸陆废气控制装置 SPL 声压级 ...

6.联办○联办SEEC)是中国证券市场的发起者、策划者和培育者,参与设计了上海、深圳两个证券交易所;并于1992年参与设计国 …



1.It is unclear whether Ms. Hu would be able to skirt official interference on her own the way she has while at SEEC.还不清楚胡舒立是否能够象在联办时那样避开政府的干涉,按自己的意愿行事。

2.A memo from SEEC to Caijing editors earlier this year pressing for that more-narrow purview helped fuel tensions, according to one staffer.据一名员工说,今年早些时候联办致《财经》编辑们的一份要求进一步缩小报导范围的备忘录加剧了紧张关系。

3.The political connections and market-oriented philosophy of SEEC's head, Mr. Wang, have turned him into an unlikely Chinese media mogul.联办负责人王波明所拥有的政治人脉和他秉持的市场导向观念使得其成为了中国媒体业的另类传奇。

4.Recently, tensions have emerged between Ms. Hu and SEEC over the sharing of advertising revenues and the nature of Caijing's content.最近,胡舒立与联办之间就广告收入的分配和《财经》内容的性质产生了矛盾。

5.SEEC , an expert in developing , constructing, running and managing power station.中机能源,开发,建设,运营和管理电厂的专家。

6.Mr. Wang and other SEEC managers talked to the employees Tuesday, with Mr. Wang playing down philosophical differences with Ms. Hu.王波明和其他联办高管周二和员工进行了交流,席间王波明淡化了他与胡舒立之间的理念分歧。

7.He juxtaposed this with Ms. Hu's letters during negotiations with SEEC on a possible solution to their dispute.他在会议上把这些信息与胡舒立与联办磋商解决分歧期间写的若干信件并列放在了一起。

8.One person familiar with the situation described the negotiations with SEEC as 'anything but smooth.一位知情者形容她和SEEC之间的谈判一点也不顺利。
