


美式发音: 英式发音: [seɡ]


英文单词:赛格;勘探地球物理学会;勘探地球物理学家协会(Society of Exploration Geophysicists)



1.赛格5、新增对赛格(SEG)、纽索(NESO)、长虹(CHANGHONG)显示器的识别;6、新增对Intel Core i5和AMD 羿龙II(Phenom II)处 …

2.勘探地球物理学会美国勘探地球物理学会SEG)副主席表达了进一步加强美国勘探地球物理学会与中国地球物理领域合作的意向。会议执行副 …

3.勘探地球物理学家协会(Society of Exploration Geophysicists)美国勘探地球物理学家协会seg)在其机关刊物tle上撰文认为中国地质大学地球物理与空间信息学院是中国电法与电磁法勘探 …

4.Steiner Education GroupSSC 可同时从按摩及面部护理教学的业界翘楚 -- Steiner Education Group (SEG)获得培训教育的资源。SEG 遍布全球的庞大 …


1.Michael: I could have told the Pope. He could have transferred the kid to ad-seg, he would have been safe.我本可以告诉狱长,他就会被送到隔离区,这样就不会有事了。

2.Objective: To further understand clinical features, pathology, diagnosis and therapy of the skull eosinophilic granuloma (SEG).目的:探讨颅骨嗜酸性肉芽肿(SEG)的临床表现、病理改变和诊断与治疗的方法。

3.SEG Electronics Auxiliary Market is the most significant electronic auxiliary market and electronic product trading center of the world.赛格电子配套市场是全球最重要的电子配套市场和电子產品交易中心。

4.The exploration direction is pointed out after analyzing the regular pattern of hydrocarbon enrichment in the seg.在分析了凹陷的油气富集规律后指出了下步油气勘探方向。

5.Pragma init_seg only affects the order of initialization within the managed and unmanaged categories.pragmainit_seg仅影响托管和非托管类别中的初始化顺序。

6.SEG Square's markets are crowded, loud, and mildly mephitic from cigarette smoke and the odor of fresh-baked electronics.赛格广场总是人来人往,喧闹不堪,而且弥漫着一股烟味和崭新电子产品塑料味混合在一起的怪味。

7.Dw symbol, seg symbol NASM supports no convenient synonym for this , though you can always invent one using the macro processor .NASM不支持其它的方式来做到这一点,尽管你可以用宏处理器来创造一个。

8.SEG Society of Exploration Geophysicists .勘探地球物理协会。

9.Pope calls for a guard, who shuts the Ad Seg door.Pope召唤警卫过来关上了禁闭室的门。

10.In Renziping seg, the oil shale may have the potential for industrial use because of its high oil yield and shallow buried depth.油页岩矿层多为透镜状至似层状,含油率较高,埋藏浅,具很好的工业前景。