


英文单词:首尔(Seoul);选择(select);系统事件日志(System Event Log)


1.首尔(Seoul) 釜山 PUS 首尔 SEL 斯里兰卡 CMB ...

2.选择(select), 启动设备将目标设备的地址放到数据总线上, 升高选择(SEL)信号电平, 并将BSY信号置为低电平. 当目标设备在总线上看到自 …

3.系统事件日志(System Event Log)可以通过菜单,或者类似于OSA SMBridge的工具,来访问BMC System Event Log (SEL)。此事件日志记录了服务器的硬件告 …


1.When SEL is not emphasized, warns Weissberg, the price children, their parents, teachers, and society pay can be exorbitantly high.当人们并不强调社交和情绪能力时,魏斯伯格提醒道,孩子、家长、教师和社会会为此付出极高的代价。

2.One glance at the leather? bound book can ensure you that it must be a best? sel ler.翻译只需看一眼这本皮面的书就知道它一定是畅销书。

3.HIT may be used to restrict terms extracted to terms that match the search expression used to create the answer set, e. g. , SEL HIT TI.击中可能用来限制期限吸取到期限比赛那搜寻表达用产生那答案组,举例来说,SEL击中TI。

4.The recent researches on the pharmacological action and pharmacodynamics of selenium and sel eno-compounds were reviewed.本文综述近年来有关硒及硒化物的药理和药效学研究进展。

5.first , you can make a sel e cation highlight by cutting a piece of transparency to size and coloring it with a transparency marker.第一,你可以剪一块合适大小的透明片,做上透明颜色标记来代表选择块的高亮显示。

6.Children with parents whose guidance is firm, consistent, and rational are inclined to possess high levels of sel-confidence.那些在家长坚定的、一贯的、理性的引导下的小孩具有极高的自信心的倾向。

7.in the complex economic world no country can be completely sel- sufficient .在复杂的经济世界里没有哪个国家能完全自给自足。

8.The biggest obstacle of the tech-ecologizing in the sel enterprises is the absence of the safeguard system.浅析浅析可知,缺乏完善的保障体系是我国钢铁企业技术生态化的最大障碍。

9.With Physicist James Hartle, he has derived a quantum wave describing a sel-contained universe that.与物理学家詹姆斯·哈特尔一起,他已获得一个描述独立宇宙的量子波。

10.In this world, there are no naturally born saints; only those who can do self-criticism and sel-examination, can become saints.在这世上,没有天生的圣者,惟有能时时刻刻自我反省,自我检视的人,才能成为圣者。