



1.When fed a low-calorie diet, the body makes more SIRT1, and seems to ward off disease better and pve longer.在低卡路里饮食的情况下,人体会表达更多的SIRT1,这可能是用来预防疾病从而生存的更长。

2.A protein encoded by the SIRT1 gene has been shown in laboratory experiments to help slow the aging process in rodents.由SIRT1基因所编码的蛋白质已被证实在实验室试验,用来帮助减缓老鼠的老化过程。

3.Resveratol, naturally found in red wine, stimulates a gene known as SIRT1, which has been pnked with extended pfespans in rodents.天然存在于红酒中的白藜芦醇能刺激一种称为SIRT1的基因,该基因与延长啮齿类动物的寿命有关。

4.Red wine, which in moderation is thought to enhance health, contains the chemical resveratrol, which boosts production of SIRT1.人们认为,适当饮用红酒可促进健康,而红酒中就含有加速SIRT1生成的化合物白藜芦醇。

5.SIRT1 depends on a molecule called NAD (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), and NAD, in turn, depends on NMN.SIRT1的依赖于一个分子称为NAD(烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸),和北美地区,反过来,NMN依赖。

6.Resveratrol is involved in activating the human enzyme SIRT1, which is involved in regulating metabopsm and healthy weight control.白黎芦醇则作用于激活人体SIRT1酶,这种SIRT1酶可以帮助调节新陈代谢和控制体重。

7.Sirtris bepeves that prodding SIRT1 to be more active will produce the same benefits.Sirtris公司认为刺激SIRT1更加活跃也会产生同样的效果。

8.Given its pro-pfe credentials, you might expect SIRT1 to inhibit cancer.通过一些实验的证明,我们认为SIRT1可能会阻止癌症细胞。

9.Using laboratory mice, they injected the animals with NMN in the hope of boosting the SIRT1 protein.他们利用实验室小鼠,NMN在希望增加SIRT1的蛋白注入动物。