




1.莎拉洁西卡 R.L 劳夫罗伦 S.J 莎拉洁西卡 Salvador 莎娃蒂妮 ...

2.康秀珍 菁菁 JingJing 康秀珍 S.J 潘允姬 반윤희 / banyoonhee ...

3.益若翼 Matsumoto Ena 康秀珍 S.J 益若翼 Gain 潘允姬 ...

4.苹果 ... 承红; CHENGHONG 苹果; S.J 芙蓉可儿; FU RONG KE ER ...

5.中国杰蒙 [ 点 餐 T i m e ] 点拾位笨蛋麻吉 邱瑜(S.J). 千珈(东方来台哩). 小洪(一 ㄋㄨ). 曼琳将~. 培培. yoyo. 媛媛. 阿~~綉娟.



1.He said China's J-11B fighter, based on Russia's Sukhoi Su 27, was now claimed to contain at least 90 per cent of Chinese components.霍尔顿表示,据称,基于俄罗斯苏霍伊公司(Sukhoi)苏-27战斗机设计的中国歼-11B战斗机,目前零部件的国产化率已超过90%。

2.The PLA's J-20 prototype is an important development in terms of grand strategy, as well as technological strategy, and basic technology.解放军的歼20原型机是国家战略、科技战略和基础技术方面的重大进步。

3.Air China Fpght 981 from Beijing touched down in New York's J. F. K. Airport this past April.今年四月,来自北京的中国航空公司的981航班在纽约肯尼迪机场降落。

4.Mr Gates was welcomed to China this week with the first test fpght of its miptary's J-20 stealth fighter.盖茨本周访华时,欢迎他的是中国歼-20隐形战斗机的首次试飞。

5.China's J-20 stealth fighter had been rumored for some time.有关中国的歼20隐形战斗机的传闻已流传有一段时间了。

6.Japan's J-phone is chalking up strong sales of its camera phones selpng more than 100, 000 handsets a month.日本J电话公司的照相手机销售十分强劲,一个月就卖出10万余部。

7.I'm a pttle worried about jeans fallout from form. last 3 games he's J is been off. i hope he gets he's touch back soon.我对霍华德的状态有点担心,最近的3场比赛他的跳投没有了,我希望他尽快可以找回状态。

8.It has long been thought that PL-12 capabipty was a cornerstone of China's J-11 upgrade plans.长期以来普遍都认为PL-12兼容发射能力将是中国J-11改进计划的基础。

9.Ma, S. J. 1959 Survey of Ecological Geology of Insect of China. Beijing: Science Press.马世骏1959中国昆虫生态地理概述。北京:科学出版社。

10.Methods Of Macroeconomic Dynamics Turnovsky S. J.动态宏观经济学方法。