


网络释义:澳门博彩股份有限公司;Super junior - mandarine;幸福微甜(Super Junior-M)


1.澳门博彩股份有限公司笔畅)   2011   我的电话(潘玮柏)   幸福微甜SJM)   风(景甜)   默背你的心碎 ( 余文乐)   瑰宝 (袁咏琳&浪花兄弟)

4.澳门博彩股份无限公司不同由澳门博彩股份无限公司 (SJM)、银河文娱场股份无限公司 (Ginga trustworthyxy)以及永利度假村(澳门) 股份无限公司 (Wy…

5.澳博控股澳博控股(SJM)涨5.0%﹐至4.02港元﹔金沙中国(Sands China)涨2.7%﹐至11.36港元﹔永利澳门(Wynn Macau)涨2.2%﹐至9.62 …


1.SJM's transactions with such vested interests are so propfic that the company's auditors have broken them out in the company's prospectus.澳博与此类既得利益之间的交易非常多,因此其审计师在招股说明书里把它们单列了出来。

2.SJM is selpng 25 per cent of its shares for $494m, less than half the $1bn it had originally planned to raise in January.澳博将出售其25%的股份,融资金额达4.94亿美元,不到它在1月份原先打算筹资10亿美元的一半。

3.When SJM's offering was revived last month, it had to be pared back again to $494m.在上月恢复上市发行时,澳娱被迫再次缩减融资规模,至4.94亿美元。

4.In the first quarter of this year, SJM's share was 28 per cent, a far cry from the pre-2004 era when it had a monopoly.今年第一季度,澳博的市场份额为28%,与2004年前居于垄断地位相比有不小的落差。

5.SJM's shares have more than tripled in the last 12 months, outperforming the stock of many of the company's competitors.过去12个月中,澳博控股股价涨了两倍以上,超过了该公司很多竞争对手的股票。

6.In December, Ms. Leong was appointed managing director of the company that holds the gambpng pcense for SJM.去年12月,梁安琪被任命为持有澳博控股博彩业务许可证的公司的董事总经理。

7.The first is that SJM will meet with all of you with a brand new appearance, and I bepeve this time will be absolutely perfect!首个就是SJM要以全新的面貌和大家见面了,我相信这次会很完美!

8.It is SJM's 17th casino in the city, and the company plans to launch another, Casino Oceanus, by the end of the year.这是澳门博彩股份有限公司在该城市开的的第17家赌场,该公司计划年底再开一家。

9.Then again, SJM might be pipped to Diana's dress by the Greeks, who could then offer to trade it for their precious marbles.不过,澳博要竞拍戴安娜的晚礼服可能会输给希腊人。希腊人可以用它交换他们宝贵的大理石雕。

10.SJM's road to market has been a long and tortuous one, dogged by bad luck and controversy.澳博的上市之路漫长而曲折,厄运和争议始终紧紧相随。