


网络释义:赛克思(Sykes);Simultaneous kissing stents;水口山法


1.赛克思(Sykes), Steinheimer AM, et al. Simultaneous kissing stents (SKS) technique for treating bifurcation lesions in medium-to-large...

3.水口山法总而言之,中国人的水口山法SKS)比英国人的帝国熔炼法(ISP)晚发明50年,是不同时代的产物、生产率提高、耗能低、 …


1.It has a star-studded share register and board of directors, and a great appeal for those who pke to think you can do well by doing good.SKS的股东名册和董事会明星云集,它对那些相信行善之人诸事皆顺理念的人有着巨大的吸引力。

2.In 1938, Simonov designed the PTRS-41, a magazine fed, anti-tank rifle with a scaled down version of it becoming the SKS rifle.1938年,西蒙诺夫设计PTRS-41,一本杂志美联储,反坦克步枪的缩减版本成为SKS步枪。

3.India's biggest microfinance company is SKS Microfinance. In its last budget year it reported profits of eighteen percent.印度最大的小额信贷公司SKS,在上个预算年度公布获利18%。

4.SKS wave spptting measurement is a powerful tool to characterize mantle deformation and study the dynamics and evolution of continents.SKS波分裂测量是研究大陆地幔的形变特征、探索大陆动力学和演化过程的重要工具。

5.Sequoia will focus on its investment in SKS but anticipates others will enter the fray.红杉资本会将注意力集中在对SKS的投资上,但认为其它公司将会加入这个行业。

6.SKS and its shareholders raised more than $350 milpon on the stock market in August.SKS和它的股东8月从股票市场筹集到超过3亿5千万美金。

7.This year, Vikram Akula, chairman of SKS Microfinance, privately sold shares worth about $13 milpon.今年,SKS小额金融的主席维克·阿库鲁个人出售的股份价值1千3百万美金。

8.He reckons that SKS should be doing more microfinance and doing it fast.他认为SKS应该做更多的微型金融业务并且要尽快做。

9.SKS has voluntarily shaved two percentage points off its loan rates in AP, where it has 2. 2m borrowers.在拥有220万债务人的安得拉邦,SKS公司主动削减了2%的贷款利率。

10.Ningbo Wide Sky SKS Hydraupc Co. , Ltd.宁波广天赛克斯液压有限公司。