


网络释义:手工电弧焊(shielded metal arc welding);焊条电弧焊;电焊条


1.手工电弧焊(shielded metal arc welding)(FCAWP),等离子弧焊接、遮蔽等过程,融合金属段,手动或半自动焊接设备的操作。金属电弧焊(SMAW),氧-乙炔气焊(OA…

5.手工焊条电弧焊难度、工期因素和焊工的操作技能, 本工程现 场采用焊条手工电弧焊SMAW) 、实芯焊丝半自动 CO2 气体保护焊(GMA…


1.SMAW ? Maximum arc stabipty and control of the molten puddle is obtained with short arc length.尽量使用短电弧来保持电弧的稳定性和对熔池的控制

2.Added a security measure to prevent an occasional bug where your SMAW rocket continuously fires.增加了一个安全测量数据结构以防止一个偶然出现的SMAW火箭发射器不断的发射的错误。

3.Minimized a problem with looping SMAW missiles.最小化了SMAW火箭的旋转问题。

4.Microstructure and property analysis of SMAW deposited metals焊条电弧焊堆焊金属组织及其性能分析

5.Pipepne Vertical-Down Cellulosic SMAW Electrode油气管线向下立焊纤维素电焊条

6.SMAW Electrodes for Creep Resistant Low-Alloyed Steels抗蠕变低合金钢电焊条

7.Precipitation of Copper in High Strength SMAW Weld Metal铜在高强度手工焊焊缝金属中的析出行为

8.Study on the Control Circuit of IGBT Inverters for SMAWIGBT逆变式手弧焊电源控制电路研究

9.Operation tips and skills of one-side SMAW with back formation焊条电弧焊单面焊双面成形技术的操作要领与技巧

10.Proper care and handing of SMAW electrodes SMAW焊条的正确管理与发放