


英文单词:字幕;污泥龄(Sludge Retention Time);污泥停留时间


1.字幕如果有字幕(.srt)档的话格式工厂转完档再用MP4TE这套软已合并字幕但有时不知道是字幕档的问题还是怎样MP4TE合并时会发 …

2.污泥龄(Sludge Retention Time)(4)由于污泥龄SRT)很长,生物反应器又起到了污泥消化池的作用, 从而显著减少了污泥产量,污泥处理费用。 (5)由 …

3.污泥停留时间另外,污泥停留时间(sRT)、pH值、溶解氧(Do)以及曝气方式等也是生成泡沫的重要影响因素。MicrothrixpaⅣiceⅡa等丝状菌 …

4.立体定向放射治疗而立体定向放射治疗SRT)仅适用于<3cm的病变,对于胶质瘤这种广泛浸润和弥散的肿瘤,不适用,目前主要应用于肿瘤复 …

5.固体停留时间(Solid Retention Time)固体停留时间(SRT):活性污泥的平均停留时间---泥龄(或MCRT)。污泥负荷(Ns) :是生化系统内单位重量的污泥在单位时间 …

6.赛车运动部门(Street Racing Technology)SRTStreet Racing Technology)是克莱斯勒的赛车运动部门,与宝马M、奔驰AMG、大众R概念相同。作为新大切诺基的性 …


1.DO was the key factor for the simultaneous nitrification and denitrification of SBBR. Reducing SRT was availability to removal phosphorus.在这些影响因子中,DO是SBBR同时硝化反硝化的控制因素,而适当缩短泥龄可以很好除磷。

2.SRT (S&P) Design Group has long been recognized by industry players for design creativity and state of the art master planning.城设?综合?国际集团长久以来以独特的设计创造力与卓越而富有前瞻性的总体规划受到业界的广泛认可。

3.The change of microfauna community was regular with SRT extension, which could be indicative for the operation of the MBR.MBR中微型动物群落结构随SRT的延长呈现规律性变化,对MBR的运行有指示作用。

4.CT and MRI are the usual methods being used in the localization of stereotactic radiotherapy (SRT).CT和MRI是SRT(立体定向放射治疗)定位经常采用的方法,二者各有优势。

5.The matrix multiplication is done in the order SRT, where S, R, and T are the matrices for scale, rotate, and translate, respectively.矩阵是按照SRT顺序进行相乘的,其中S、R和T分别表示缩放、旋转和平移的矩阵。

6.Vertical caving using ladders or SRT (Single Rope Technique) to avoid the need for climbing passages that are too difficult.垂直洞穴探索使用梯子或SRT(单绳技术)来避免攀爬太困难的通道。

7.SRT however is a complex skill and requires proper training before use underground and needs well-maintained equipment.SRT是复杂的技术,需要事先训练和维护良好的装备。

8.CONCLUSION The preparation procedure of self-prepared SRT is feasible and repeatable. The tablets have obviously sustained property.结论该缓释片制备工艺可行,重现性好,有明显的缓释特性。

9.The report by Dr. de Cabo and his colleagues may do much to rescue SRT-1720 from this shadow.德卡沃博士和他的同事们的研究报告或许能将SRT-1720从阴影中救出。

10.But the credibility of SRT-1720 and its cousins also rests on their design as sirtuin activators.但是SRT-1720及其类似药物可信度同样依赖于其去乙酰化酶激活剂的身份。
