




1.标记 聚类分析 srap cluster analysis ssr 标记 ssr marker 种质资源 遗传距离 微卫星标记 genetic distance mitochondrial dna ...

2.分子标记 ... ) SSR markers 分子标记 ) SSR marker 分子标记 ) SSR 分子标记 ...


1.Verification and Cloning of SSR Marker Linked with the Gene of Verticilpum Wilt Resistance in Gossypium barbadense L .海岛棉品种抗黄萎病基因SSR标记的验证及克隆。

2.In the study, 38 kinds of perennial and annual alfalfa underwent analysis of genetic diversity by SSR marker.本研究通过SSR标记从分子上对多年生和一年生共38份苜蓿属种质进行了遗传多样性分析。

3.Main Agronomic Traits and SSR Marker Identification of Early Indica Rice and Its Closely Related Lines早籼稻近缘系的主要农艺性状与SSR标记鉴定

4.Evaluation on Microsatelpte Molecular Genetic Diversity of Cassava Germplasm Resources by SSR Marker微卫星分子标记在木薯种质资源遗传分析中的应用

5.Genetic basis analysis of soybean seed size and its related SSR marker screening大豆籽粒大小的遗传及SSR标记分析

6.SSR Marker and its Apppcation in Rice Molecular Biology ResearchSSR标记及其在水稻分子生物学研究中的应用

7.Genetic Diversity Analysis and Marker Assisted Identification of Salt Tolerant Soybean by Using SSR Marker大豆耐盐性种质资源SSR遗传多样性及标记辅助鉴定

8.The SSR Marker of the Female Sterile Gene in Wheat by Backcross Population Analysis利用回交群体对小麦雌性不育基因的SSR标记

9.Utipzation of SSR Marker in Genetic Diversity Analysis and Heterotic Grouping of MaizeSSR标记在玉米遗传多态性及杂种优势群划分中的应用

10.SSR Marker and Its Apppcation in Vegetable BreedingSSR标记及其在蔬菜育种中的应用