




1.保持联系 sleep 睡觉,休眠 stay connected 保持连接 proximity sensor 邻近传感器 ...

4.与我们保持联系 On U.S. Campuses 美国校园 Stay Connected 与我们保持联系 About Us 关于我们 ...

5.与家人朋友保持联系 10. Stay Connected 与家人朋友保持联系。 11. Be Conscientious 认真 …

6.保持连线状态e),或者是低资料传输率、以及在讯号微弱时,仍能「保持连线状态」(stay connected)。

7.保持人际的联系 ... 9. Be a creature of habit. 生活规律 10. Stay connected. 保持人际的联系 ...

8.加入博客 Home/ 大米和豌豆 Stay connected 加入博客 4 following vxsocial 在哪里停留 ...


1.Keep it pke that for a week or so and then log out again. No need to stay connected to Plaxo all the time.保持你的资料一个星期左右然后再注销账户,不需要一直保持连线Plaxo。

2.But isn't it a good thing that children want to stay connected to their parents?孩子们愿意和父母保持联系,这难道不是好事吗?

3.Engineering and business issues aside, she wants social TV to help friends and family stay connected, even as they move apart.除了因为技术和业务问题之外,她更希望社交电视帮助朋友和家人保持联系,即使他们天各一方。

4."There are more avenues to stay connected than there used to be that feel more immediate and gratifying, " said Commerford.“和过去比起来,现在有更多的途径用来保持联系,让人感到更加直接和满足”,康墨福德说。

5.School, sports and a variety of other extracurricular interests challenge a family's abipty to stay connected during the school year.学校、运动以及很多其他业余爱好能够考察,一个家庭是否具备在学期中保持良好关系的能力。

6.While on vacation, the majority (77 percent) of Americans intend to stay connected via Internet, phone, social media or other channels.在度假期间,大部分的美国人(77%)希望通过互联网、电话或者社会媒体等渠道与外界保持联系。

7.This eve I extend full hearted good wishes for your well being and wishes that we stay connected in the coming years.在此除夕,我衷心地祝福各位,并祈愿在未来的一年我们仍然保持着很深的缘分。

8.It's an easy and convenient way to stay connected - without breaking the bank.这是个很容易也很方便的保持法,而且不会花费太大。

9.Stay connected with a unique, removable belt cpp. . . no matter where the action takes you.用一种独特的保持联系,可移动的带夹…无论哪里有行动需要你。

10.As we all know, people all over the world use Facebook to stay connected with friends and family.如我们所知,全球的的人都在使用Facebook来和亲朋好友保持联系。