


美式发音: [swɑp] 英式发音: [swɒp]




第三人称单数:swaps  现在分词:swapping  过去式:swapped  同义词

v.change,dicker,exchange,give and take,negotiate




1.[i][t]交换(东西)to give sth to sb and receive sth in exchange

I've finished this magazine. Can I swap with you?这本杂志我看完了,能跟你交换一下吗?

I swapped my red scarf for her blue one.我用我的红围巾换了她的蓝围巾。

Can we swap places ? I can't see the screen.咱俩交换一下座位好不好?我看不见银幕。

We spent the evening in the pub swapping stories(= telling each other stories) about our travels.我们一晚上坐在酒吧里讲述各自的旅途经历。

I swapped him my CD for his posters.我拿我的光盘换了他的海报。

2.[i]~ (over)交换(工作)to start doing sb else's job, etc. while they do yours

I'll drive there and then we'll swap over on the way back.去的时候我开车,回来的时候咱俩再倒换过来。

3.[t]用…替换;把…换成;掉换to replace one person or thing with another

I think I'll swap this sweater for one in another colour.我想把这件毛衣换成其他颜色的。

I'm going to swap you over. Mike will go first and Jon will go second.我打算把你俩掉换一下。迈克先去,乔恩后去。


1.[ususing]交换;掉换an act of exchanging one thing or person for another

Let's do a swap . You work Friday night and I'll do Saturday.咱俩调个班吧。你星期五晚间上,我星期六上。

2.交换物;被掉换者a thing or person that has been exchanged for another

Most of my football stickers are swaps.我的足球贴纸多数都是跟别人换来的。



v.1.Same as swop2.to give something to someone in exchange for something else; to replace one thing with another; if two people swap jobs, activities, or positions, each person does what the other person was doing3.if people swap stories, ideas, etc., they tell each other about their experiences or ideas

n.1.the process of giving one thing in exchange for another; something that you get in exchange for something else

1.交换 secondly 第二.其次 swap 交换 item 项目.条款 ...

2.交换分区 Supply and marketing cooperatives 供销合作社 Swap 掉期 Swaption 掉期期权;互换期权 ...

5.交换区 .Bottom Material( 底材质) .Swap( 置换) .Coordinates( 坐标轴) ...

7.交换空间  2)交换空间(swap):交换空间也是一种文件系统。内存小于或等于512MB,交换空间为内存大小的2倍;内存大于512MB的,交 …

8.货币互换协议  彭淮南昨日还表示,两岸货币互换协议(SWAP)的签署愈快愈好,盼今年底前可以签署完成。彭淮南指出,SWAP的结构已经有 …


1.We'd also like to swap over action bars too -- it'd be a pain if you're trying to Mind Flay and you end up trying to Flash Heal!我们也打算在切换天赋的同时可以连带着动作条一并转换了,当你想要用精神鞭笞时却按出了快速治疗一定不爽吧。

2.He said the move was part of a deal to swap prisoners in Russia for the accused spies arrested in the U. S.他说此举是俄罗斯用囚犯交换在美国被捕特工协议的一部分。

3.He was a quality full back in the World Cup right now you'd swap him for almost anyone.他曾是世界杯上的优秀后卫,现在你会可以用他来代替任何人。

4.The man reportedly went into a jewelry store and tried to swap out the gem for a fake one.据报道,这名男子走进一家珠宝店,试图鱼目换珠,以赝品换真品珠宝。

5.For all you know, an old garden rake may be an agreeable swap for some classic literature from another user.正如你所知道的那样,一本古老园艺图书的拥有者,会愿意用它交换一些经典的文学著作。

6.The loan was organised in the form of a currency swap agreement between the Bank of Thailand and the HKMA at market interest rates.贷款以泰国中央银行与金管局签订的货币掉期协议形式进行,息率按照市场水平。

7.Suspending a thread requires the operating system to swap it out of the CPU often before it's time quantum has been consumed.操作在挂起一个线程的时候需要将它换出CPU,而通常此时线程的时间片还没有使用完。

8.If you know in advance that you're going to be sorting only integers, you could simply hard- code the Swap method for integer types.如果预先知道只对整数排序,则可将Swap方法硬编码为integer类型。

9.The Federal Reserve has taken the lead with its imaginative expansion of swap arrangements with central banks in a few emerging economies.美联储(Fed)率先与少数新兴经济体的央行达成充满想象力的互换扩大安排。

10.Computer geeks being what they are, the term is often used as a verb: "That machine won't even POST, so we should swap the memory. "计算机对于自己是相当幽默的,这个术语通常会被当作动词来使用:“这台机器根本通不过POST测试,因此我们应该更换内存”。