




1.圣约翰 雷湾( Thunder Bay) 游圣约翰旧城( Saint John) 鲁能堡城( Luenburg) ...

4.兄长霍辛金 Sam,美国的昵称),让“某公司”去寻找他失踪的兄长霍辛金Saint John)的下落。辛金 ... [阅读全文]

5.圣约翰城 圣伯纳预备中学 Saint Bernard Preparatory School 圣约翰预备中学 Saint John 圣多明尼哥女子中学 San Domenico School ...


1.Our work is now displayed at many stores across Atlantic Canada, at the cruise ship booth located at the Port of Saint John.如今,我们的产品陈列在遍及加拿大大西洋地区的各个商店,也陈列在位于圣约翰港的游船货摊上。

2.The Virgin mother, with one hand supporting Saint John and the other on the Christ Child, reflects the great strength of motherhood.中间的圣母一手扶着约翰,另一手去抚慰耶稣,体现了人间伟大的母性的力量。

3.BBA with a Major in Electronic Commerce is Saint John 's new program in electronic commerce, the first in Canada.BBA兼电子商务是我校圣约翰分部新开设的一个专业,也是在加拿大首创的专业。

4.Steve Osborne of Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada is considered the god father of IMC.史蒂夫奥斯本圣约翰,新不伦瑞克,加拿大被认为是上帝的父亲万邦。

5.It is kept in the royal chapel of the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist in Turin, Italy.这片亚麻布目前被保存在意大利都灵的圣约翰大教堂。

6.revelations of Saint John the Divine in the New Testament.新约中圣约翰牧师的启示。

7.Hapfax, Point Tupper, Saint John.哈利法克斯,图佩尔角,圣约翰。

8.Buenos Aires Saint John's Bridgetown Sucre Santiago Roseau Quito Havana Bogota Saint George's Georgetown Ottawa Lima Washington布宜诺斯艾利斯圣约翰布里奇敦苏克雷巴西利亚罗索基多哈瓦那波哥大圣乔治乔治敦渥太华利马华盛顿

9.Effects of Saint. John's Wort Extracts on visceral sensitivity and serumcorticosterone levels in anxiety rats and their signification路优泰对焦虑大鼠内脏敏感性和血清皮质酮的影响及意义

10.Altarpiece with Christ in Majesty, Saint John the Baptist, and Saint Margaret基督,圣施洗约翰和圣玛格丽特雕塑