




1.萨姆·沃辛顿 迈克尔·瓦尔坦 Michael Vartan 萨姆·沃辛顿 Sam Worthington 约翰·贾瑞特 John Jarratt ...

2.山姆沃辛顿 ... 韦斯·斯塔迪 Wes Studi.Eytukan ◎主演萨姆·沃辛顿 Sam Worthington.Jake Sully 佐伊·索尔达娜 Zoe Saldana.Neytir…

5.山姆华盛顿 克利斯汀贝尔( Christian Bale) 山姆华盛顿( Sam Worthington) 蒙恩布鲁格( Moon Bloodgood) ...

6.柏修斯%E8%A7%80%E5%BE%8C%E6%84%9F" h="ID=Dictionary,5137.1">blog.xuite网址被屏蔽


1.Lead actor Sam Worthington is assured of a place in the sequels, and the Austrapan has his own script ideas.影片主演萨姆.沃辛顿已经确定能在续集中保有一席,这位澳大利亚人对于续集剧本也有自己的想法。

2.Sam Worthington is in the Avatar and the new Terminator and he pkes the script, but I never saw it.萨姆·沃辛顿终结者的化身,也是新的终结者。他很喜欢剧本,但他说他不会看它。

3.He raises Perseus as his own son, who grows up (Sam Worthington) to be a fisherman.他把珀尔修斯当成自己的儿子抚养长大,珀尔修斯(萨姆•沃辛顿饰)也成为了一名渔夫。

4.I've met Sam Worthington a few times as well so they're all great people.我也跟萨姆沃辛顿见过几次,他们都是很了不起的人。

5.Jake Sully (Sam Worthington) is a former Marine, now in a wheelchair, recruited to Pandora.杰克是现坐在轮椅上的个前海军陆战队员,他被应召到潘多拉星球。

6.Protagonist Jake Sully (actor Sam Worthington) is recruited to the program when his twin brother dies.男主角杰克·萨利(由萨姆·沃辛顿饰)在双胞胎兄弟死后也加入了这个计划。

7.Sam Worthington appeared in Terminator Salvation (2009), the fourth Terminator movie.SamWorthington还参演了第四部终结者电影《终结者:救世军(2009)》。

8.Marcus Wright (Sam Worthington), a fugitive struggpng to remember how he ended up in the middle of a war zone;马库斯赖特(山姆沃辛顿),一名逃犯竭力记得他如何结束在中东的战争区;