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网络释义:莎娜;珊娜;叙利亚阿拉伯通讯社(Syrian Arab News Agency)



1.莎娜 奈碧 Naturebe 莎娜 SANA 嘉丝肤缇 JUST BB ...

2.珊娜 Salvatore Ferragamo‖ 菲尔格蒙 SANA珊娜 Sandepin‖ 三迪逸品 ...

3.叙利亚阿拉伯通讯社(Syrian Arab News Agency) #189 Nozomi 羽月希 #190 Sana 纱奈 #191 Mei 三浦芽依 ...

5.萨那 也门 YEMEN 萨那 SANA 亚丁 ADEN ...

6.叙利亚新闻社叙利亚新闻社SANA)播报的声明说,叙利亚军方指控以色列发动黎明空袭,攻击邻近大马士革詹拉亚(Jamraya)的军方研 …

7.阿拉伯叙利亚通讯社据阿拉伯叙利亚通讯社sana)10月5日消息,叙外交与侨民部发言人表示,叙利亚高度评价就叙利亚问题议案所得出的结果。 …


1.Whatever the truth, Mr Saleh's presence on his home turf may have calmed things a bit, for the moment, at least in Sana'a.无论真相如何,萨利赫出现在自家草坪上可能会让事态暂时有所平静,至少在萨那。

2.FOR nearly a week thousands of Yemenis have been gathering in Sana'a, their capital, and in several other cities around the country.将近一周以来,数千名也门百姓一直聚集在首都萨那和全国各地几座其他城市。

3."What I'm seeing and hearing on the streets of Sana'a is sort of widespread panic and fear of what's coming in Yemen, " said Finn.“我所看到和听到的萨那的街道是普遍恐慌和什么在也门未来的恐惧排序,”芬兰人说。

4.He said the TSA team in Yemen will provide training, equipment and expertise to examine cargo shipments at Sana'a airport.他说也门的美国运输安全管理局团队将提供培训、设备和专业技术以检查在萨那机场的货物。

5.In Yemen, tens of thousands protested in the capital, Sana'a, on Thursday. They called it a "Day of Rage. "周四,数以万计人在也门首都萨那示威。他们称这天为“愤怒日”。

6.Britain said the car was on its way to the embassy in Sana'a with five staff on board, one of whom suffered minor injuries.英国方面说,这辆汽车当时正在返回萨那大使馆的途中,车上有五名工作人员,其中一人受轻伤。

7.A demonstration the next day in Sana'a was bigger and bloodier than ever, posing still more of a threat to President Ap Abdullah Saleh.17日在萨那的示威活动比先前规模更大,也更血腥,对ApAbdullahSaleh总统宝座的威胁有增无减。

8.Airstrikes around Sana'a and clashes in at least five different tribal areas across the country have killed scores in recent weeks.近几周来,萨那周边的空袭及全国至少五个不同的部族地区爆发的冲突已经造成数十人死亡。

9.The Ahmar family have around 400 men holed up in Sana'a in a gothic-style mansion, pockmarked with bullets and crammed with ammunition.阿赫玛尔家族有大约400多人躲藏在萨纳的某幢哥特式建筑里,外墙满布弹痕里面塞满火药。

10.Like Sana, Quetta may have enough water for the rest of this decade, but then its future is in doubt.和萨那的命运相似,奎塔有足够的水资源来面对这十年,但之后的水源却不能肯定。