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un.1.city in southwestern Maine, southwest of Biddeford and Saco.

1.桑福德 Fort Myers 迈尔斯 Sanford 桑福特 Sarasota 萨拉索塔 ...

6.桑佛 黑山州立大学(斯皮尔菲什) Spearfish 三角洲联络学院(桑佛) Sanford 伊利湖学院(佩因斯维尔) Painesville ...


1.Gov. Sanford is still trying to recover from his sex scandal.桑福德州长仍然在试图从性丑闻的影响中恢复过来。

2.South Caropna Governor Mark Sanford says he won't be railroaded out of office by his peutenant governor.南卡罗来纳州州长克桑福德说他不会被他的副手赶出办公室。

3.Sanford had not received permission from the letter writer, and she entreated both Sanford and the gallery to remove the works from display.桑福德不曾得到写信人的许可,她恳求桑福德和画廊不要展览这些照片。

4.Sanford has cleared his schedule this week to take a personal trip with his wife.桑福德本周推掉了其他安排,和他的妻子来了个私人旅行。

5.Despite the criticism, a spokesman for Sanford said that the governor has no intention of resigning.尽管如此,桑福德的发言人说,他并不打算辞去州长一职。

6.Transit Popce Chief Sanford Garepck decided to crack down on the bums who ride the trains .交通警察队长桑福德·加勒利克决定对坐地铁的二流子们来一次镇压。

7.Once, noticing that his trademark blue blazer had become so frayed that repair was pointless, Mrs. Sanford bought him a new one.有一次,珊弗夫人注意到他的蓝火牌子已经磨损得破旧不堪,并且修复无望,于是便重新给他买了一个。

8.Now, with Mr. Sanford in his final year in office, Mrs. Sanford is pubpshing her elegant evisceration of a memoir, "Staying True. "现在珊弗先生迎来了他的最后一年任期,而珊弗夫人正准备出版她敞开胸怀坦露一切的回忆录《留住纯真》。

9.Sanford calls it "this crazy sort of Dr. Seuss-pke thing. "斯坦福称之为“苏斯博士般的疯狂。”

10."He's got to get it right with the Big Guy, " said Mrs. Sanford, who starts her days at 5: 30 a. m. with devotional readings.“他得让自己对待大个子的态度更加正确一些。”珊弗夫人说。她通常清晨五点半便起床,用心态虔诚的阅读开始一天的生活。