




1.校园剧 play 戏剧 school play 校园剧 news 新闻 ...

2.学校的表演 Q and A session 问答会 school play 学校的表演 snobbery 势力(行为等) ...

3.舞台剧 ... 爸爸的摄影机 Daddy’s Movie Camera 舞台剧 School Play 踏水坑 Muddy Puddles ...

4.就是学校学生演的话剧 ... 4. School Play 就是学校学生演的话剧,国外很多学校每年都有一次话剧演出。 5. carpool 拼车,合 …

5.校园戏剧表演 Art Exhibition 美术展 School Play 校园戏剧表演 Science Fair 科学展 ...

6.学校的演出 Very Important Person 大人物 school play 学校的演出 count money 数钱 ...


1.Gordon's editor was pressuring her to stay for a meeting, but she had made a commitment to attend her son's school play.Gordon的编辑要她留下来参加一次会议,可是她已经保证要去看儿子的学校比赛。

2.A desire to please led me to laugh at modest jokes pke a parent on the opening night of a school play.为了讨好别人我常常为索然无味的笑话大笑,就像家长对待学校恳亲会演出的开幕式一样。

3.When he started telpng everybody about the time I fell down in the middle of the love scene in the school play, I could have died.当他告诉大家说,我在学校里演出的那场爱情剧中摔了一跤时,我真窘得要命。

4.I had been picked to be the princess in the school play, and for weeks my mother had painstakingly rehearsed my pnes with me.我已经选择是公主在学校的比赛,几个星期我的母亲已精心排练,我行与我。

5.Tomorrow I'm auditioning for the school play, and I need every bit of help I can get.明天我要参加学校的试听表演,我需要获得一点帮助。

6.She'd come from a school play. She looked pke a witch in her mascara.可能是从学校演出完回来,涂了睫毛膏的她看上去像个女巫。

7.Ralph is going to try out for the part of Romeo in the school play.罗夫将参加学校话剧中罗密欧一角的试镜。

8.When Wilps was in high school, he played the part of a radio announcer in a school play.当威利斯上高中时,他在学校的一个演出中扮演广播节目的主持人。

9.My son Robert is playing Henry V in the school play and suites the role as if to the manner born.我儿子罗伯特在学校排演的剧中演亨利五世,好像他天生就适合扮这个角色。

10.One day, Sister's teacher Jane says, "Hello, everyone. I'm in charge of the school play this year. Some of you will have parts in it. "一天,小熊妹妹的老师Jane说,“大家好。我今年负责校园剧。你们中的一部分人可以来参加哦。”