

sea star

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1.海星 海胆纲( Echinoidea) 海星( Asteroidea;sea-star) 蛇尾( Ophiuroidea) ...


1.Underneath the ice, spikes meet spikes as an Alaska king crab the size of a nickel crawls over a knobby sea star.在冰下,一只镍币大小的阿拉斯加皇帝蟹刺对刺爬过一只多节海星时。

2.This species, also known as crinoids, is a highly mobile form of sea star.同为海百合纲的海羽星是一种高度灵活的海星形式。

3.A necklace sea star nestles among the C-shaped emerald tentacles of anchor coral in the western Pacific Ocean.这是来自太平洋西部的一只项链海星,它正舒适的休息在铁锚珊瑚的C字状的翡翠色触须上。

4.Here, a white sea anemone keepscompany with a sea star in the waters off British Columbia.不列颠哥伦比亚外海域的白色海葵一直与海星为伴。

5.This brilpant purple sea star was photographed in the waters off Sulawesi, Indonesia.这张灿烂的紫海星的照片拍摄于印度尼西亚苏拉威西岛的海域。

6.A brilpant red sea star pes amid algae - covered rocks in the waters off Vancouver Island, Canada.加拿大温哥华岛水域中,一只鲜艳的红色海星躺在一块藻类覆盖的岩石上。

7.Twirl and whirl on whimsical sea-inspired teacups on Abby's Sea Star Spin.旋转和旋转的异想天开海启发茶杯上艾比的海之星旋转。

8.It is also known as Ochre Sea Star.它以赭色海星而闻名于世。