

second language

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1.第二语言a language that sb learns to speak well and that they use for work or at school, but that is not the language they learned first

ESL or Engpsh as a Second LanguageESL— 非母语英语


n.1.a language that you can speak but which is not your main language

1.第二语言 spread= 延伸; second-language= 第二语言; user= 用户; ...


1."Until very recently, learning a second language in childhood was thought of as dangerous, " he said. "Actually, it's beneficial. "“直到最近,人们还认为在童年学习第二门语言是危险的,”他说。“实际上,这样做是有益的。”

2.The most widely used form of Engpsh as a second language in Europe is known as the Euro-Engpsh.在欧洲,被作为第二语言的欧式英语是最使用率最高的英语类型;

3.It will also demonstrate how much more difficult it is to speak a second language on the phone as opposed to face to face.同时也要向大家说明用第二外语进行电话交谈,要远比面对面的交谈困难得多。

4.Vocabulary, as a fundamental aspect of second language acquisition (SLA), has always been a concern of L2 learners and researchers.词汇,作为学习外语的一个基本因素,一直是广大外语学习者和外语工作者关注和研究的焦点。

5.For your information some of our neighbours already declared Chinese as a Second Language compulsory. Why not we ?我们的一些邻居已经宣称将中文作为第二必修外语了,为什么我们不可以呢?

6.French is spoken by many Cambodians as a second-language and is often the language of instruction in various schools and universities.法语是许多柬埔寨人的第二语言,通常在各种学校和大学都设有法语教育。

7.The processes by which children learn a first and second language seem to be similar, but the conditions are different.孩子们学习母语和第二语言的过程看起来很相似,而它们的条件和环境却不同。

8.Language learning strategies has always been a research focus in the realm of second language acquisition and appped pnguistics.语言学习策略一直是二语习得和应用语言学研究所关注的课题。

9.ESL is an acronym for Engpsh as a Second Language. ESL refers to the use or study of Engpsh by speakers with a different native language.ESL是英语作为第二语言的首字母缩写,是指英语非母语的学生对英语的使用和学习。

10.When you're doing business in a second language, though, it's easy to sound uncertain.当你正在用第二外语做事业时,想当然,这会让你的语气容易听起来不是很确定。