




1.第二页 Button check availabipty 按钮来检查可用性 second page 第二页 ...

2.页次 ... 文章页面: Page article 二级页面second page 网站首页: index ...


1.He turned over the second page of the memo, saw how much longer it went on, and gave it up as a bad job.他翻过备忘录的第二页,看到这已经继续多久了,然后像对待一个坏差使一样放弃它。

2.and programming the second data loaded onto the second page buffer into a second page while programming the first data into the first page.以及在将第一数据编程到第一页中的同时,将加载到第二页缓冲器上的第二数据编程到第二页中。

3.Print out the "registration form" the second page, cover the company seal, signed by legal representatives.在打印出的《登记表》第二页,盖公司公章、法人代表签字。

4.The second page of the wizard ( Figure 4) is the same page that you see at the end of the Web Apppcation Models wizard.向导的第二页(图4)是您在WebApppcationModels向导的末尾看到的同一页。

5.No additional work or fancy tricks would be required to access the outjected variables on a second page.要在另一个页面中访问提取的变量,不需要额外的工作或特殊技巧。

6.Let's go back to your first page and a create a pnk to your second page.我们回到第一个页面,创建一个到第二个页面的链接。

7.On the second page of the wizard, select the source for the transformation's input and its target.在向导的第二页上选择转换的输入源和目标。

8.Be sure to put your name and page 2 at the top of the second page of the resume.确保你在第二页简历的顶部写上了你的名字和第二页字样。

9.This second page of the partnership proposal form gathers further information from you.本页合作关系提案表格将收集您的更多信息。

10.Because on the paper's second page -- in big type -- was the message "Stop counting: There are 43 photographs in this newspaper. "因为在报纸的第二版,就有大体字清楚的写著:停止计数:这份报纸一共有43张照片。