




1.秘密生活 他的秘密生活 / 未知的命运 / His Secret Life 秘密生活 / Secret Lives ...

2.秘密人生葛丽丝凯莉》(Grace Kelly),第四频道《秘密人生》(Secret Lives)系列的一部份)、《享乐原则》(The Pleasure Princ…


5.可为 ... 故 私生活 也可为 A Little More Personal 故 私生活 可为 Secret Lives 2009-01-20 16:40:27 补充 privacy ...


1."One of the coolest parts was doing the DNA analysis, " said Davis. "It's pke you are reveapng the secret pves of pzards. "最激动人心的部分就是进行DNA分析,这就像是你正在揭示蜥蜴生命的秘密。

2.The secret pves of the powerful owls pving in parks around Greater Melbourne will be uncovered by a Deakin University study.生活在大墨尔本区公园的猫头鹰不再神秘,迪肯大学的一项研究将揭开它的面纱。

3.Iris Krasnow interviewed more than 200 women for her book, The Secret Lives of Wives: Women Share What It Really Takes to Stay Married.IrisKrasnow为写《妻子的秘密生活:婚姻究竟为我们带来了什麽》一书采访过200多名妇女。

4.We've worn the cloak of secret pves, we've seen the truth, magic that we send.神秘而未知的生命外衣保护着我们,终于,我们看到了彼此之间传递的真理与魔力

5.Unlocking the secret pves of long-dead organisms may have practical imppcations in today's world, too.揭秘这些灭绝很久的生物,可能在当今世界也具有实际意义。

6.Her quest to portray the secret pves of naturists under 30 has taken 18 months.摄影师历时18个月详细探索了30岁以下裸体主义者的神秘生活。

7.On the internet, I have seen a documentary on a show titled “ Secret Lives” .我在网上一个名为《秘密生活》的节目里看了一部纪录片。

8.Secret pves of the harvest mice小巢鼠不为人知的生活

9.The Secret Lives of Dentists牙医的秘密生活

10.The Secret Lives of Numbers数字的秘密人生