




1.煎茶 Pukka 帕卡 SenCha 生津绿茶 Snyder’s 史耐德 ...

3.蒸青绿茶 ... 魔法森林绿茶 Magic Forest 【研茶园】-日本茶-煎茶 Sencha 欧洲果香花茶-丛林之梦绿茶 Jungle Dream ...

5.青茶 ... WebKit/CSS3 样式技巧增强 Sencha 产品族介绍 Sencha Touch 特性 ...

7.蒸青煎茶 ... 紫笋茶 Zisun tea 蒸青煎茶 Sencha 茶叶感官审评通用方法 General method of tea sensory test ...


1.Michael (Sencha Touch): Be very very careful about the user experience - even for business apppcations.Michael(SenchaTouch):对于用户体验要非常小心——商业应用更应如此。

2.They're all common ones, Chinese jasmine, Japanese sencha, Earl Grey and a special blend that we prepared.它们都是普通品种,中国茉莉,日本参茶,伯爵茶和一种我们制备的混合物。

3.Sencha: Our biggest challenge working in mobile, as any mobile developer would tell you, is performance.Sencha:我们在与移动设备打交道的过程中所遇到的最大挑战与任何移动开发者一样,那就是性能。

4.In the last article in this four-part series, explore another project that also takes the embrace-the-web approach to mobile, Sencha.在这个4部分系列的最后一篇文章中,将介绍另一个利用“联网”的方法进行移动开发的项目Sencha。

5.Michael (Sencha Touch): Sencha Touch is an app framework for touch devices, so we provide a complete touch manager for developers.Michael(SenchaTouch):SenchaTouch是针对触控设备的应用框架,因此我们给开发者提供了一整套触控管理器。

6.It's built on top Sencha Touch, which is a mobile web app framework and is currently available as a free add-on for evaluation purposes.它构建在SenchaTouch之上,这是一个移动Web应用框架,目前可以免费用于评估目的。

7.In the second example, we only use the default values specified in the class, which will show the Sencha home page.在第2个示例中,我们只使用在类中指定的默认值,这将显示Sencha主页面。

8.Sencha Touch 2 focuses on three key feature areas. Performance, ease of use, and native support.SenchaToucstrong专注于三个关键特性领域:性能、易用性和原生支持。

9.Sencha: The first release (v1) will happen within the month.Sencha:首个正式版(v1)将于下个月发布。

10.Ext JS 4. 0 shares the same base code as Sencha Touch, which already has great support for these technologies.ExtJS4.0与SenchaTouch共用同一个代码库,而SenchaTouch已经对这些技术有大量的支持。