




1.配套包装 ... 4. Transparent Package,See-through Package 透明包装 5. Set Package 配套包装 6. Gift Package 礼品包装 ...

2.金属背贴 金属保护壳银 |Metal Case silver 金属背贴 |Set Package 金属边框套装 |Set Package-3 ...

3.套装 - Hair 头发用品 - Set Package 套装 - Sun 防晒 ...


1.Best suppper of the country is now-scale brand has set package one year ago, only single for the second year.现在国内最好的供应商都被规模型的品牌一年前就订包了,第二年只看翻单。

2.This Album has ordinary package and box set package. The pics were taken in Hawaii and all the pics look so great!这张专辑分别有普通包装和盒装。内里的照片是在夏威夷拍摄的,所以所有照片十分漂亮!

3.To optimize the ammunition basic packing and combination packing is the key problem of ammunition set package.弹药基本包和组合包的装载优化,是实施弹药配套包装所需解决的关键问题。

4.Options that set package flags, variables, and properties.设置包标志、变量和属性的选项。

5.Batch Forum is collating the bat procedures set package.非常批处理论坛整理的bat程序集合包。

6.How to: Set Package Properties Using the Properties Window如何使用“属性”窗口设置包属性