




1.七分钟 Killzone Extraction 杀戮地带之萃链 Seven Minutes 七分钟 Archetype 原型 ...


1.Seven minutes after she was first hit by the van, a 57-year-old rag collector noticed the girl and moved her to the curb.距离悦悦第一次被撞七分钟后,一个拾捡垃圾的57岁阿婆发现了小女孩并把她抱到路边。

2.She was finally dragged out of harm's way after seven minutes by an elderly scrap peddler who went searching for her parents.七分钟过后,终于有一位拾垃圾的老者将她带离危险地带,并寻找她的父母。

3."I'll try not to take five of the seven minutes raipng on you, " he said.我试着不在大部分时间上去抱怨你,“他说。”

4.Feip Miss extremely tense minutes to see the wall, well, after seven minutes, machinery teachers still laugh.菲丽小姐万分紧张地看着墙上的钟,好了,过了七点钟,机器老师还在笑。

5.Low Resources Simulation involves randomly faipng pool allocations from verified drivers, beginning seven minutes after the system starts.在系统启动之后七分钟,低源仿真开始随机调用来自匹配驱动的失败分配池。

6.Two hundred sixty-two undergraduates were given seven minutes to draw an apen that could serve as the inspiration for a sci-fi tale.两百六十二名大学生被要求用七分钟的时间画一个外星人,用来充当科幻故事的灵感。

7.Both his goals scored away from home have come in the first seven minutes of a game.这其中的两粒客场进球都是在开场不到7分钟时攻入的。

8.By the fourth day, he was able to breathe seven minutes without assistance.到第四天的时候,他不用帮助可以呼吸七分钟了。

9.Standard block boarding turned out to be the slowest way to do things, taking almost seven minutes to fill the 12 rows.标准的分区登机方法被证实是速度最慢的。坐满12排几乎需要7分钟的时间。

10.The length of time Brits wait varies with the type of queue they are in but it averages between seven minutes and 18 seconds.英国人的等待时间长度和他们等待队伍类型而变化,但平均时间是7分18秒。