



1.By seven o'clock this afternoon we shall have got to Shanghai if the train keeps good pne.如果火车运行正常,我们今天下午七点就到上海了。

2.At seven o'clock the coffee was made and the pan was on the back of the stove, hot and ready to cook dinner.七点钟,她煮好了咖啡,把煎锅置于热炉上,随时都可做晚餐。

3.Roger opened his eyes and looked at the clock. It was nearly seven o'clock.罗杰睁开眼看了下钟,还不到7点。

4.In the evening at seven o 'clock, he gave the best of friends, the LinZhi call LinZhi voice tired.傍晚七点,他给最好的朋友林志打电话,林志的声音有些疲倦。

5.She said she would be there at seven o'clock, and she thought she would keep her word.她说她会七点到那儿的,他想她会遵守诺言的。

6.Since they missed the seven o'clock train, they decided to make a night of it.既然他们错过了七点的火车,他们决定去找点乐子。

7.Because in the small hotel, there was no meal served after seven o'clock in the evening.因为在小饭店里,晚上七点以后是不提供餐饮服务的。

8.At six, my friend and his wife were in the tunnel on their way into New York for a seven o'clock appointment.六点钟,我的朋友偕同其妻,已坐在了开往纽约的地铁里,赶赴七点种的约会。

9.Mary Cochran went out of the rooms where she pved with her father, Doctor Lester Cochran, at seven o'clock on a Sunday evening.科克伦了玛丽的房间内,她与父亲,莱斯特科克伦博士在七,住在周日下午晚上。

10.They had a meal about midday, and a meal after work, between five and seven o'clock. This meal was called 'high tea' or just 'tea'.他们通常吃顿午饭,并在工作结束之后大约5点到7点之间再吃点东西,这顿简餐就被称为“hightea”或者就是“tea”。