




1.性奴隶丹诱拐﹐并同几个白人女子﹐被拘留在汶莱32天﹐作为性奴隶(sex slaves)。

2.慰安妇慰安妇(sex slaves)   慰安妇是日本军队在第二次世界大战征招的随军妓女和被强迫为日军提供性服务的女性,大部分慰安妇来自 …


1.But it is tragic and revolting to see other things for sale, e. g. , buying and selpng of woman and children as sex slaves.但可悲且令人惋惜的是有其他的东西被拿来做为买卖,例如妇女或儿童被出卖为情色交易的奴隶。

2.Popce have detained a family man who allegedly held six women as sex slaves in a basement for two years.警方已经逮捕了一名男子,该男子涉嫌囚禁六名性奴于地下室长达两年之久。且,该男子为有妇之夫。

3.The U. S. House of Representatives unanimously passed a resolution condemning Japan's use of sex slaves during World War II yesterday.美国众议院一致通过谴责日本在二战期间使用性奴的决议。

4.Congressman Michael Honda even introduced a resolution calpng for Japan to make an unambiguous apology to the sex slaves.美国众议员麦可本田甚至提出议案,要求日本向慰安妇明确道歉。

5.Some children were trained to be spies, or used as porters, cooks, or sex slaves.有些孩子被训练成间谍,或被当作搬运工、厨师、或性奴隶使用。

6.THE first person in Austrapa to be found guilty by a jury of possessing sex slaves has been jailed for 10 years.澳大利亚第一位由陪审团判定犯有拥有性奴隶罪的人已经被监禁10年了。

7.Many child soldiers are not armed combatants. They include messengers, porters, spies, and sex slaves.很多儿童士兵并不是武装人员,他们充当着信使、搬运工、间谍还有性奴隶。

8.S. lawmakers that demands Japan apologize for forcing women to work as sex slaves during World War Two.这项草案要求日本为二战期间强迫妇女充当慰安妇作出道歉。

9.One of the things they do with girls, which they also do with boys, unfortunately, but more with girls, is that they use them as sex slaves.一种情形就是将她们像男孩子一样投入战斗,另一种情形是,一部分女孩不幸沦为“性奴”。

10.China has opened a museum to remember the women who were forced to serve as sex slaves for Japanese soldiers in World War II.中国正式开放了一家博物馆,来纪念在二战中被迫成为慰安妇的中国妇女。