




1.神舟五号神舟五号Shenzhou-5)分享到微博 评论并转载此博文 验证码: 请点击后输入验证码 收听验证码 返回式一号乙(FSW-1B)  


1.He was one of the three astronauts who were in the final group to train for the Shenzhou 5 fpght.他是一个三名宇航员在最后的一组训练的“神舟”五号航天飞船的飞行。

2.Shenzhou V Chinese people have been dreaming of going into outer space ever since before.神舟5号持久以来,中国人不断幻想进入太空。

3.The unerring precision in control and guide made it an easy job to search for the return capsule of Shenzhou 5.制导的精确无误使搜寻神舟5号返回舱的工作轻而易举。

4.He flew around the Earth for more than 21 hours in the Shenzhou 5.他乘坐神州5号飞船环绕地球长达21个多小时。

5.Shuttle into orbit when needed fpght time: 9, 10 points arrows separation, ship the shenzhou 5 manned spacecraft in orbit accurately.飞船进入轨道所需飞行时间:9时10分,船箭分离,“神舟”五号载人飞船准确进入预定轨道。

6.China's first manned mission, Shenzhou 5, occurred in 2003, and was followed by two more manned missions in 2005 and 2008.中国的第一个载人航天飞船——神舟五号2003年发射,随即是2005年和2008年的两次载人飞船的升空。

7.That year, Colonel Yang Liwei orbited the Earth 14 times aboard the Shenzhou 5 space capsule.当年,杨利伟上校乘坐“神舟五号”宇宙飞船在绕地轨道上运行了14圈。

8.Last Wednesday the Shenzhou 5 spacecraft orbited the Earth 14 times and reached an altitude of 343 kilometres .上周三,神州五号宇宙飞船围绕地球飞行了14圈,达到了343公里的高度。