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n.1.an item of clothing made of Shetland wool, especially a sweater

adj.1.made of Shetland wool

1.设得兰群岛 纳克索斯岛 Naxos 设德兰群岛 Shetland 飞索半导体 Spansion ...

6.喜乐蒂 嗖嘎一郎 souga yilang 喜乐蒂 SHETLAND 百倍客 BBKULE ...


1.A fine yarn made from the wool of sheep raised in the Shetland Islands and used for knitting and weaving.设得兰毛线系由在设得兰群岛饲养的羊的羊毛制成的精制毛线,用于针织和编织衣物

2.Take, as a prime example, the much-loved Fair Isle knit that originated on a remote Shetland Isle (hence the name).就拿备受宠爱的FairIsle针织衫作为一个典型的例子,它起源于偏远的谢特兰群岛(因而有了这个名字)。

3.The Shetland Islands, the most northern of the British Isles, are as stark and rugged as they are beautiful.设得兰群岛位于不列颠群岛的最北部,荒凉而多岩石,非常美丽。

4.during the war he had manned weather stations, both balmy and bracing, in Malta, North Africa and Shetland.二战时期他将马耳他、北美和设得兰群岛的气象站管理得井井有条、张弛有度。

5.Ivermectin should not be used in Colpes or Shetland sheep dogs and should be used with caution in the herding breeds.伊维菌素不应使用或牧羊犬德兰羊犬,也应谨慎使用,在畜牧品种。

6.A few earthworms have been reported from the South Shetland Islands in Antarctica .少数蚯蚓曾发现于南极洲的南塞得兰岛。

7.I do not dispute the bravery of such men as Max Manus and the 'Shetland Bus' etc and their resistence to Nazi occupation.我并不是怀疑马克思·马努斯和ShetlandBus这些人以及他们抵抗纳粹的勇气。

8.COMPARED with the flotilla of oil and gas platforms in the North Sea, the waters west of the Shetland Islands are virgin territory.同北海数量众多的石油和天然气平台相比,设得兰群岛的西部海域仍是一片未开发的处女地。

9.the american shetland pony club - the american miniature horse registry.美国的设得兰群岛小马俱乐部-美国小型马注册表。

10.The trotting gait of the Shetland Sheepdog should denote effortless speed and smoothness.喜乐蒂牧羊犬的小跑步态显得轻松而顺畅。