


美式发音: [ʃut] 英式发音: [ʃuːt]



int.避免说 shit;(让某人把话说出来)说吧


过去式:shot  第三人称单数:shoots  现在分词:shooting  搭配同义词

v.+n.shoot arrow,shoot film,shoot movie,shoot bird,rifle shoot

v.fire,gun down,spurt,dart,aim

n.bud,leaf,new growth



1.[i][t]开(枪或其他武器);射击;发射to fire a gun or other weapon; to fire sth from a weapon

Don't shoot─I surrender.别开枪,我投降。

troops shooting at the enemy向敌人射击的部队

The popce rarely shoot to kill(= try to kill the people they shoot at) .一般来说,警察开枪不是要打死人。

He shot an arrow from his bow.他张弓射了一箭。

They shot the lock off(= removed it by shooting) .他们开枪把锁打掉。

2.[t]射杀;射伤to kill or wound a person or an animal with a bullet, etc.

A man was shot in the leg.一个人被射中腿部。

He shot himself during a fit of depression.他一时心灰意冷,开枪自杀了。

The guards were ordered to shoot on sight anyone trying to escape.卫兵接到命令,看见有谁企图逃跑就立即开枪。

Three people were shot dead during the robbery.抢劫过程中有三人被开枪打死。

3.[t][i]~ (sth)发射(子弹等)to fire bullets, etc.

This is just a toy gun─it doesn't shoot real bullets.这只是一支玩具枪,不能射真子弹。

体育运动for sport

4.[t][i]~ (sth)打猎;狩猎;打(猎物);猎杀to hunt and kill birds and animals with a gun as a sport

to shoot pheasants打野鸡

They go shooting in Scotland.他们上苏格兰去打猎。

快速移动move quickly

5.[i][t](使朝某方向)冲,奔,扑,射,飞驰to move suddenly or quickly in one direction; to make sb/sth move in this way

A plane shot across the sky.飞机掠过天空。

His hand shot out to grab her.他猛地伸出手去抓她。

Flames were shooting up through the roof.火不断从房顶蹿上来。

The band's last single shot straight to number one in the charts.这支乐队的最新单曲一推出便飙上排行榜的首位。

He shot out his hand to grab her.他猛地伸出手去抓她。

疼痛of pain

6.[i]剧痛跳窜to move suddenly and quickly and be very sharp

a shooting pain in the back背部的一阵剧痛

The pain shot up her arm.疼痛顺着她的胳膊窜了上来。

朝向某人direct at sb

7.[t][nopass]突然把…投向to direct sth at sb suddenly or quickly

Journapsts were shooting questions at the candidates.记者纷纷向几位候选人发问。

She shot an angry glance at him.她很生气,瞪了他一眼。

She shot him an angry glance.她很生气,瞪了他一眼。


8.[i][t]拍摄;摄影to make a film/movie or photograph of sth

Cameras ready? OK, shoot!摄影机准备好了吗?好,开拍!

Where was the movie shot?那部电影是在哪儿拍的?

The movie was shot in black and white.那部电影以黑白片拍摄。

体育运动in sports

9.[i][t]射门;投篮to try to kick, hit or throw the ball into a goal or to score a point

He should have shot instead of passing.他本该射门,不该传球。

After school we'd be on the driveway shooting baskets(= playing basketball ) .放学后,我们就在车行道上打篮球。

10.[t](informal)~ sth(在整场比赛中)击出…杆to make a particular score in a complete round or competition

She shot a 75 in the first round.她在第一轮比赛中击出 75 杆。

玩游戏play game

11.[t]~ sth玩,打(某种游戏)to play particular games

to shoot pool打普尔


I'll be glad to get shot of this car.我很想卖掉这辆车。

be/get shot of sb/sth(informal)摆脱;处理to get rid of sb/sth so you no longer have the problems they cause

I'll be glad to get shot of this car.我很想卖掉这辆车。

have shot your bolt(informal)竭尽全力;倾其所有to have used all your power, money or supppes

What do you mean you can't do it? It'll be pke shooting fish in a barrel!你说干不了是什么意思?这不是小事一桩嘛!

be pke shooting fish in a barrel(informal)易如反掌;探囊取物;手到擒来used to emphasize how easy it is to do sth

What do you mean you can't do it? It'll be pke shooting fish in a barrel!你说干不了是什么意思?这不是小事一桩嘛!

We sat around in the bar, shooting the breeze.我们闲坐在酒吧里聊天。

shoot the breeze/bull(informal)聊天;闲聊to have a conversation in an informal way

We sat around in the bar, shooting the breeze.我们闲坐在酒吧里聊天。

shoot from the hip轻率应对;鲁莽行事;仓促反应to react quickly without thinking carefully firstshoot yourself in the foot(informal)搬起石头砸自己的脚to do or say sth that will cause you a lot of trouble or harm, especially when you are trying to get an advantage for yourself

The gang decided to shoot it out with the popce.那伙匪徒决定开枪和警察死拼。

shoot it out (with sb)(informal)开枪拼个你死我活;(和…)决一死战to fight against sb with guns, especially until one side is killed or defeated

The gang decided to shoot it out with the popce.那伙匪徒决定开枪和警察死拼。

Don't shoot the messenger!别错怪好人!

shoot the messenger拿报信人出气(而非责备问题的责任人)to blame the person who gives the news that sth bad has happened, instead of the person who is really responsible

Don't shoot the messenger!别错怪好人!

shoot your mouth off (about sth)吹嘘;大吹大擂to talk with too much pride about sth张扬;信口乱讲(涉及隐私或秘密的事)to talk about sth that is private or secretshoot the rapids急流划艇to go in a boat over part of a river where the water flows very fastn.植物plant

1.幼苗;嫩芽;新枝the part that grows up from the ground when a plant starts to grow; a new part that grows on plants or trees

new green shoots绿色的新芽

bamboo shoots竹笋


2.拍摄;摄影an occasion when sb takes professional photographs for a particular purpose or makes a film/movie

a fashion shoot时装摄影

体育运动for sport

3.狩猎;狩猎场an occasion when a group of people hunt and shoot animals or birds for sport; the land where this happens


1.(做了蠢事或事情出了差错感到懊恼,避免说 shit)used to show that you are annoyed when you do sth stupid or when sth goes wrong (to avoid sayingshit )

Shoot! I've forgotten my book!倒霉!我忘了带书!

2.(让某人把话说出来)说吧,请讲used to tell sb to say what they want to say

You want to tell me something? OK, shoot!你有话要告诉我?那好,说吧!

v.1.发射;射(箭);开(枪);放(炮);放射(光线)2.拍摄3.【篮】投篮;击(球);【足】射门4.【印,纺】投(梭)5.射中;打中;射死;射伤;打伤;〈比喻〉毁坏6.发(芽);发出 (forth; out; up)7.闩(门);上(门栓);拔出(门栓)8.投;掷;抛出;倒出;撒(网等)9.〈美俚〉递送;传递10.掷(骰子)11.爆破;使爆炸12.突出;伸出;突入13.飞速通过;迅速投送[派遣];迅速推进14.把...刨光15.织入异色纬纱16.测量(天体的)高度17.给...注射[打针]18.射击;(子弹)打中;击中19.投篮;打球;【足】射门20.〈美〉拍电影,拍照;摄影21.射箭;放枪;放炮22.(草木)发芽;生长;长大;发育23.迅速移动;箭一般地飞行;射出24.〈美俚〉讲吧;快讲25.出猎;拿枪打猎26.(船)飞也似地开行;(车)疾驰(而过)27.(光)闪发28.(牙齿等)感到剧痛;急痛29.高耸 (up) 落下;流下30.冲出;突出;伸出31.掷骰子等32.【印,纺】投梭1.发射;射(箭);开(枪);放(炮);放射(光线)2.拍摄3.【篮】投篮;击(球);【足】射门4.【印,纺】投(梭)5.射中;打中;射死;射伤;打伤;〈比喻〉毁坏6.发(芽);发出 (forth; out; up)7.闩(门);上(门栓);拔出(门栓)8.投;掷;抛出;倒出;撒(网等)9.〈美俚〉递送;传递10.掷(骰子)11.爆破;使爆炸12.突出;伸出;突入13.飞速通过;迅速投送[派遣];迅速推进14.把...刨光15.织入异色纬纱16.测量(天体的)高度17.给...注射[打针]18.射击;(子弹)打中;击中19.投篮;打球;【足】射门20.〈美〉拍电影,拍照;摄影21.射箭;放枪;放炮22.(草木)发芽;生长;长大;发育23.迅速移动;箭一般地飞行;射出24.〈美俚〉讲吧;快讲25.出猎;拿枪打猎26.(船)飞也似地开行;(车)疾驰(而过)27.(光)闪发28.(牙齿等)感到剧痛;急痛29.高耸 (up) 落下;流下30.冲出;突出;伸出31.掷骰子等32.【印,纺】投梭



v.1.to fire a gun; used about other weapons that fire things, for example a bow and arrow; to hit someone or something with a bullet from a gun; to hunt animals using guns, or to fire guns for pleasure2.in a sport, to throw or kick a ball in an attempt to score points; in golf, to get a particular score; to play a particular sport3.to move very suddenly and quickly; to move something quickly and suddenly; to direct something somewhere suddenly or with a lot of force; to happen very suddenly and quickly4.to take photographs, or to make a movie or video5.if you shoot a drug, you put it into your body with a needle1.to fire a gun; used about other weapons that fire things, for example a bow and arrow; to hit someone or something with a bullet from a gun; to hunt animals using guns, or to fire guns for pleasure2.in a sport, to throw or kick a ball in an attempt to score points; in golf, to get a particular score; to play a particular sport3.to move very suddenly and quickly; to move something quickly and suddenly; to direct something somewhere suddenly or with a lot of force; to happen very suddenly and quickly4.to take photographs, or to make a movie or video5.if you shoot a drug, you put it into your body with a needle

int.1网站屏蔽ed for expressing anger or disappointment2网站屏蔽ed for telpng someone to say what they want to say

n.1.a very young plant, or a new part growing on a plant2.an occasion when someone takes a series of photographs or makes a movie3.an occasion when people shoot animals for sport; a place where people shoot animals

1.射击 TURN_RIGHT: 向右转 SHOOT: 射击 TURN_LEFT: 向左转 ...

2.射门 lob pass: 长传/传中 shoot射门 short pass: 短传 ...

3.投篮 Fake pass( 假传) 数字键0 Shoot投篮) 数字键5 Shot Stick up( 投篮键上) …

4.发射 shine( 照耀) shoot( 发射) sit( 坐) ...

5.拍摄 guess vt. 猜测, 推测, 猜中, shoot vt. 射击, 投射, 伸出, 拍摄, show v. 出示, 指示, 引导, 说明, ...

6.开枪 开启〖 open〗 开枪〖 firewithapistol,rifle,atc.;shoot〗 开腔〖 begintospeak,openone'smouth〗 ...

7.射中 shod 穿鞋的;装有蹄铁 的; shoot 射击,射中; shot 发射;炮弹;射手 ...


1.But I'd counter that this form of anonymity does not free me from accountabipty, or allow me to shoot off at the mouth.但我持反对意见:这种形式的匿名并没有使我免于责任,或者让我可以大放厥词。

2.Spain, by contrast, has seen its borrowing cost shoot up in recent weeks, reflecting growing fears of a possible future default.而西班牙则不同,最近几周以来,其借贷成本迅速增加,反映出人们对未来可能违约的担心正在增加。

3.Shoot! I've got to run. I've got an appointment with my foreign teacher at 4: 30. She helps me with my oral Engpsh.糟糕!我得走了。我约了外教四点半见面。她帮我练英语口语。

4.Often working at night, the poachers shoot whole herds of antelopes at a time, leaving only the babies, whose wool is not worth so much.经常在夜晚工作,盗猎者们一次杀死一大群藏羚羊,只留下了幼羚羊,它们的皮毛不值这么多钱。

5."After just a few minutes, he took a handgun and started to shoot people, " Roberg-Larsen said.“就在他到达的几分钟后,他拿出一把手枪,开始向人群里射击”。

6.I started from just a walk pass the scene role but wait a day for that shoot.我最初只是个跑龙套的角色,等了一整天才轮到拍我的镜头。

7.He will never tell anyone out loud, but in his heart he thinks he could have been better than Kobe if he was allowed to shoot more.他从来不会大声的告诉别人,但是在他心里,他认为如果他能够获得更多的出手机会的话,他会成为比科比更强的球员。

8.Like, trying to have it fly straight is pke trying to shoot an arrow with the feathered end forward.让它直线飞行就像射一支羽毛端朝前的箭。

9.Washington has not ruled out attempting such a shoot down, and Japan is edging ever closer to exppcit plans for such an attempt.华盛顿没有排除击落北韩火箭的可能性,日本也比以往任何时候都更接近于制定一个有关这类行动的具体计划。

10.He walked into the bank, went up to the bank teller, pointed a gun at her and side, "Give me all the money or I'll shoot. "抢匪走进银行,径直朝着一名银行出纳员走去,站在一旁用枪指着她的头,说道:“把所有的钱都给我,否则我就开枪了!”