





3.童爱 ... Enenemies,A Love Story 仇敌们,一个爱情故事; Shosha 舒莎 The Spinoza of Market Street 市场街的斯宾诺 …

5.萧莎 ... [A Young Man in Search of Love / 爱的寻求] 170 [Shosha / 萧莎] 358 [Scum / 人渣] 217 ...

6.舒莎短篇小说 Enenemies,A Love Story 仇敌们, 一个爱情故事; Shosha 舒莎短篇小说: The Spinoza of Market Street 市场街的斯宾诺莎…

7.包装梱包材贩売 http://navisaga网址被屏蔽/lease/ 贸易 http://navisaga网址被屏蔽/shosha/ 包装梱包材贩売 http://navisaga网址被屏蔽/trade/ 広告代理店 ...

8.肖霞  今年初,美国《时代》周刊将辛格的《肖霞》(Shosha)列为七十年代八本最佳小说之一。这不能不认为是美国读者和舆论界对 …


1.Mitsui, the Tokyo trading house or sogo shosha, said it had signed the country's first ore swap with Credit Suisse.东京贸易公司(或称综合商社)三井(Mitsui)表示,已与瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)签订了日本首个铁矿石掉期。

2.The timing was perfect. When roaring Chinese demand pfted commodities prices a few years later, the shosha booked windfall profits.它们的时机选择非常完美。数年后,当中国需求激增推高大宗商品价格时,这些商社都录得了高额利润。

3.Some of the shosha's most intriguing moves have involved brokering trade between China and third countries.综合商社最让人感兴趣的举动,涉及到斡旋中国与第三国之间的贸易。

4.Today the shosha are looking at new ways to take advantage of China's growth by increasing their direct investments in the country.如今,各商社正寻找新的途径,通过加大在华直接投资,从中国的增长中获益。

5.Sogo Shosha is rather complete in its organizational structure.综合商社在组织上是比较完备的。

6.The sogo shosha attracted the brightest and most adventurous graduates.综合商社吸引了最聪明,最富有冒险精神的毕业生们。

7.That has already happened with manufacturers in Japan, and is one reason the shosha were forced to shift away from trading to investment.一些日本制造商已经遇到了这种情况,这也是商社被迫从贸易转向投资的原因之一。

8.Japanese exporters can also take advantage of the knowledge and contacts of sogo shosha, the country's great trading houses日本出口商可以从中获得提高并联系综合商社,这是日本最大的贸易社

9.Sogo Shosha's Activities and Possibipties in Chinese FPD industry综合商社在中国FPD行业的活动及可能性?