




1.东亚病夫ational Interest》批评东部俄国是“亚洲病夫(Sick Man of Asia)”,2009年4月3日,美国知名杂志《外交政策(Foreign Popcy) …


1.Once known as the "sick man of Asia, " China is no longer Ill.中国,曾经的“东亚病夫”,如今正在崛起。

2.The gold medal was a breakthrough to today's gold medal first, no longer dares laugh at us is sick man of Asia.曾经的金牌零突破到如今的金牌榜第一,再也没有谁敢嘲笑我们是东亚病夫。

3.When We were called Sick man of Asia, We were called The Peril. When We are billed to be the next Superpower, We are called The threat.当我们被称作东亚病夫的时候,我们被称作传染病。当我们即将成为下一个超级大国的时候,我们被称作威胁。

4.Stupefied by opium, cowed by Western firepower, China was dismissed at the outset of the 20th century as the "sick man of Asia. "鸦片的麻醉,西方火枪的威吓,在二十世纪的开端中国衰落成为所谓的“东亚病夫”。

5.By 1911, Japan was a great power and China was the sick man of Asia.到辛亥革命前夕,日本已经崛起,而中国已然成为东亚病夫。

6.Concerned about the future, do not let the'sick man of Asia 'tragedy happen again in the world.关注未来,不要让‘‘东亚病夫’的悲剧在全世界重新上演。

7.We are no longer a foreigner in the eyes of the "sick man of Asia" , but the East has become a giant pon.我们不再是外国人眼中的“东亚病夫”,而是变成了一头东方巨狮。

8.Yet Pax Niponica never got past the early 1990s; one former inevitable global hegemon has been downgraded to the sick man of Asia.然而,日本霸权(PaxNiponica)从未跨越1990年代初,日本这个曾经不可避免的全球霸权国家已降级为“亚洲病夫”。

9.When we were labeled the 'sick man of Asia, ' we were called a peril.当我们被打上“东亚病夫”的标记时,我们被称作一种危险。

10.When we were the Sick Man of Asia.以往我们是东亚病夫。